I have the same feeling! Codejam is an algorithmic contest! so learn
new techniques for solving problems.


On Sep 4, 12:06 pm, vexorian <vexor...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 1. Always try new languages and techniques, just don't do it during a
> match.
> 2. Yes, with time I learned to have a .sh script to easily run .cpp
> files and it has a "valgrind" argument that will make it run them with
> valgrind. The editor I use, geany is tweaked the way I like.
> 3. If by hardcode you mean storing stuff in the source files
> themselves, then yes. If you are talking about not using constants, I
> disagree. I think constants and making things easy to modify are very
> helpful. It's been many times that I lost 2 minutes changing a wrong
> constant when I didn't follow this tip.
> 4. C++ wins :) Of course, just use the language you are most
> comfortable with, in the case of codejam, things like the language's
> speed are not important. Personally, I can't picture myself doing one
> of these contests without my beloved STL.
> 5. The fastest solution for A did not use regexes. I am fairly sure
> that trying to hack regexes was slower to code and come up to than
> just doing the (easy) bruteforce method. I am yet to actually solve
> something with regular expressions during an actual contest. But it
> does not harm to know many tricks.
> 6. Practice is really the only answer.
> On Sep 4, 11:26 am, Satyajit Malugu <malugu.satya...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> > From: Prolific Coder <prolific.co...@gmail.com>
> > Date: Fri, Sep 4, 2009 at 11:25 AM
> > Subject: Competency levels
> > To: google-code@googlegroups.com
> > I do programming for a living and I think I am not bad. I have been in
> > programming interviews before and could solve 90% of questions.
> > But this is different, I mean I am reading questions and deciding which one
> > to solve and TADA, I see solutions being submitted! I felt so bad
> > and incompetent. Are others that good? Or worse am I that bad?
> > But alas,  I took minimum of 5 hours to solve the first problem. And I know
> > that if I don't change my methodology or practise I will not move forward. I
> > want to give it my best shot and since I have a long weekend try to practice
> > as much as I can.
> > Can you guys share the techniques or the mind set for solving the problems
> > fastly?
> > Some of things I observed so far.
> >    1. Don't try new languages or techniques.
> >    2. Already have your IDE and language,debugger and scaffolding setup.
> >    3. Its OK to hardcode
> >    4. cpp is the language of choice ( but I don't agree like many others)
> >    5. Practice regex's you have to become damn good at them.
> >    6. Practice, practice and more practice
> > --
> > Satyajit
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