apperently that's not the only one.

On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 1:33 AM, Luke Pebody <> wrote:

> i'm Bozzball. Not a monster. I just thought it would be fun.
> On Wed, Sep 9, 2009 at 7:29 PM, Satyajit
> Malugu<> wrote:
> > [
> >  Brainf**k adaptation of Welcome to Code Jam Problem
> >  Provided files:
> >
> >   bf2c.c
> >  To create output file c-small.out from
> >   gcc -o bf2c bf2c.c
> >   bf2c Welcome.c
> >   gcc -o Wel Welcome.c
> >   download
> >   Wel 0< 1>c-small.out
> > ]
> > ++++++++++++++++
> > Memory cell 0 = 16
> >
> [>++++>++++++>+++++++>++++++>++>++>>>>+++>++++>++>>>>>>+<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<-]
> > Memory cells 0 to 18 = 0 64 96 112 96 32 32 0 0 0 48 64 32 0 0 0 0 0 16
> >>+++>+>+++>+++++>>+++>>>>>------>>>>>>>------>>
> > Memory cells 0 to 18 = 0 67 97 115 101 32 35 0 0 0 48 58 32 0 0 0 0 0 10
> >                   = \...@case#:\...@\@0: \...@\@\...@\@\...@\n
> > At Memory Cell 20 Ready to read in N (one digit at a time subtracting 10
> to
> > check for \n and then 48 to get ord(digit character)))
> > ,---------- -------------------------------------->
> > ,----------[ -------------------------------------->
> >  ,----------[ -------------------------------------->
> >   ,----------[ This must be a new line since N is at most 100
> >   ]
> >   <<<[->>>++++++++++<<<]>>>[-<<<+>>>] Multiply the hundreds digit by 10
> >   <<[->++++++++++<]>[-<+>] add 10 times previous digit to current digit
> and
> > then move to previous
> >  ]
> >  <<[->++++++++++<]>[-<+>]
> > ]
> > Now Memory Cell 20 contains N and we are at Memory Cell 21
> > [
> >  Memory cell 21 is empty, so this code will never get executed.
> >  We are going to use 7-memory-cell structures.
> >  Let us call the 7 cells char_exp, char_obs, tmp0, tmp1, tmp2, cnt0, cnt1
> >  We are going to use 20 of these structures.
> >  The char_exp's of these 20 structures will be constant and will be equal
> to
> > the characters of '\0welcome to code jam' reversed.
> >  cnt0,cnt1 will be set to 0,0 for the first 19 structures and 0,1 for the
> > 20th structure at the start of each instance.
> >  Each time we read a character, we check if it is a newline:
> >   If it is not, we put the character into char_obs of the first
> structure.
> >   Then we do the following loop over the first 19 structures:
> >    Copy char_obs to the char_obs of the next structure
> >    If char_exp != char_obs, set char_obs = 0 and move to the next
> structure.
> >    If char_exp = char_obs:
> >     add cnt0 and cnt1 from the next structure to cnt0 and cnt1 from this
> > structure:
> >     if cnt1 >= 100, subtract 100 from cnt1 and add 1 to cnt0
> >     if cnt0 >= 100, subtract 100 from cnt0
> >     set char_obs = 0 and move to the next structure
> >   When we reach the final structure, we set its char_obs to be 0 and go
> back
> > to the start of the loop.
> >   It is trivial to see that cnt0,cnt1 of the 20th structure will always
> be
> > 0,1.
> >   It follows that 100*cnt0+cnt1 of the 19th structure counts the number
> of
> > w's read so far.
> >   Similarly, 100*cnt0+cnt1 of the 18th structure counts the number of
> > subsequences equal to 'we' (modulo 10000), and so on.
> >   Thus, 100*cnt0+cnt1 of the 1st structure gives the required answer.
> >  If it is a newline:
> >   We copy the digits from 100*cnt0+cnt1 into the output string, and
> output,
> > and start again.
> > ]
> > ++++ ++++
> > ++++ ++++
> > ++++ ++++
> > ++++ ++++
> > [-
> >        >+++>>>>>>>+++>>>>>>>+++>>>>>>>+
> >  >>>>>>>+++>>>>>>>+++>>>>>>>+++>>>>>>>+++>>>>>>>+
> >  >>>>>>>+++>>>>>>>+++>>>>>>>+
> >  >>>>>>>+++>>>>>>>+++>>>>>>>+++>>>>>>>+++>>>>>>>+++>>>>>>>+++>>>>>>>+++
> >        <   <<<<<<<   <<<<<<<   <<<<<<<
> >  <<<<<<<   <<<<<<<   <<<<<<<   <<<<<<<   <<<<<<<
> >  <<<<<<<   <<<<<<<   <<<<<<<
> >  <<<<<<<   <<<<<<<   <<<<<<<   <<<<<<<   <<<<<<<   <<<<<<<   <<<<<<<
> > ]
> > Memory cells 22 up to 148 in steps of 7 = 96 96 96 32 96 96 96 96 32 96
> 96
> > 32 96 96 96 96 96 96 96 and we are at memory cell 21
> >       >+++++++++++++
> >>>>>>>>+
> >>>>>>>>++++++++++
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>+++++
> >>>>>>>>++++
> >>>>>>>>+++++++++++++++
> >>>>>>>>+++
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>+++++++++++++++
> >>>>>>>>++++++++++++++++++++
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>+++++
> >>>>>>>>+++++++++++++
> >>>>>>>>+++++++++++++++
> >>>>>>>>+++
> >>>>>>>>++++++++++++
> >>>>>>>>+++++
> >>>>>>>>+++++++++++++++++++++++
> >  >>>>>>>>>>>>>+<<<<<<<<<<<<< (Set the final count to be 1)
> >  <<<<<<< <<<<<<< <<<<<<< <<<<<<< <<<<<<< <<<<<<< <<<<<<< <<<<<<< <<<<<<<
> >  <<<<<<< <<<<<<< <<<<<<< <<<<<<< <<<<<<< <<<<<<< <<<<<<< <<<<<<< <<<<<<<
> >  <<
> > [-
> >  We start at cell 20
> >  Now change number in case (thrown together very quickly)
> >  <<<<<<<<<<<<[->+<]+>>
> >  ------------------------------------------------
> >
>  [-<<+>>[-<<+>>[-<<+>>[-<<+>>[-<<+>>[-<<+>>[-<<+>>[-<<+>>[-<+<[-]>>]]]]]]]]]
> >  <<[->>+<<]>>
> >  ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> >
> <[-<+>[+<->------------------------------------------------[-<+>]]<++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++>]
> >  <[->+<]>
> >
> [------------------------------------------------<<++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++>>
> >
> >
> [-<<+>>[-<<+>>[-<<+>>[-<<+>>[-<<+>>[-<<+>>[-<<+>>[-<<+>>[-<<+>>[-<+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++<[-]++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++>>]]]]]]]]]]
> >  ]
> >  <<[->>+<<]>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >  Back to cell 20 with number in case increased
> >  Now clear all of the counts
> >  >>[>>>>>[-]>[-]>]
> >  <<<<<<<[<<<<<<<]>>>>>
> >  Move to cell 23 and take in first character
> >  >>>,----------[++++++++++
> >  <[
> >   >[->+>>>>>>+<<<<<<<]>[-<+>]
> >   <<[
> >    >>>>+
> >    <<<[
> >     <->->+>>[-]
> >     <<<[->>+<<]
> >    ]
> >    >>[-<<+>>]
> >    >[<<<<[->>+<<]>+>>>[-]]<<<<
> >   ]>>[-<<+>>]>>+<<<[>>>-<<<[-]]>>>[
> >    [-]
> >    >>>>>>>>[-<<+<<<<<+>>>>>>>]
> >    >[-<<+<<<<<+>>>>>>>]
> >    <<[->>+<<]<[->>+<<]<<<<
> >    [-<<+>>[-<<+>>[-<<+>>[-<<+>>[-<<+>>[-<<+>>[-<<+>>[-<<+>>[-<<+>>[-<<+>>
> >    [-<<+>>[-<<+>>[-<<+>>[-<<+>>[-<<+>>[-<<+>>[-<<+>>[-<<+>>[-<<+>>[-<<+>>
> >    [-<<+>>[-<<+>>[-<<+>>[-<<+>>[-<<+>>[-<<+>>[-<<+>>[-<<+>>[-<<+>>[-<<+>>
> >    [-<<+>>[-<<+>>[-<<+>>[-<<+>>[-<<+>>[-<<+>>[-<<+>>[-<<+>>[-<<+>>[-<<+>>
> >    [-<<+>>[-<<+>>[-<<+>>[-<<+>>[-<<+>>[-<<+>>[-<<+>>[-<<+>>[-<<+>>[-<<+>>
> >    [-<<+>>[-<<+>>[-<<+>>[-<<+>>[-<<+>>[-<<+>>[-<<+>>[-<<+>>[-<<+>>[-<<+>>
> >    [-<<+>>[-<<+>>[-<<+>>[-<<+>>[-<<+>>[-<<+>>[-<<+>>[-<<+>>[-<<+>>[-<<+>>
> >    [-<<+>>[-<<+>>[-<<+>>[-<<+>>[-<<+>>[-<<+>>[-<<+>>[-<<+>>[-<<+>>[-<<+>>
> >    [-<<+>>[-<<+>>[-<<+>>[-<<+>>[-<<+>>[-<<+>>[-<<+>>[-<<+>>[-<<+>>[-<<+>>
> >    [-<<+>>[-<<+>>[-<<+>>[-<<+>>[-<<+>>[-<<+>>[-<<+>>[-<<+>>[-<<+>>[
> >     -<+<[-]>>[-<<+>>]
> >    ]]]]]]]]]]
> >    ]]]]]]]]]]
> >    ]]]]]]]]]]
> >    ]]]]]]]]]]
> >    ]]]]]]]]]]
> >    ]]]]]]]]]]
> >    ]]]]]]]]]]
> >    ]]]]]]]]]]
> >    ]]]]]]]]]]
> >    ]]]]]]]]]]
> >    <<[->>+<<]>>
> >    <
> >    [-<+>[-<+>[-<+>[-<+>[-<+>[-<+>[-<+>[-<+>[-<+>[-<+>
> >    [-<+>[-<+>[-<+>[-<+>[-<+>[-<+>[-<+>[-<+>[-<+>[-<+>
> >    [-<+>[-<+>[-<+>[-<+>[-<+>[-<+>[-<+>[-<+>[-<+>[-<+>
> >    [-<+>[-<+>[-<+>[-<+>[-<+>[-<+>[-<+>[-<+>[-<+>[-<+>
> >    [-<+>[-<+>[-<+>[-<+>[-<+>[-<+>[-<+>[-<+>[-<+>[-<+>
> >    [-<+>[-<+>[-<+>[-<+>[-<+>[-<+>[-<+>[-<+>[-<+>[-<+>
> >    [-<+>[-<+>[-<+>[-<+>[-<+>[-<+>[-<+>[-<+>[-<+>[-<+>
> >    [-<+>[-<+>[-<+>[-<+>[-<+>[-<+>[-<+>[-<+>[-<+>[-<+>
> >    [-<+>[-<+>[-<+>[-<+>[-<+>[-<+>[-<+>[-<+>[-<+>[-<+>
> >    [-<+>[-<+>[-<+>[-<+>[-<+>[-<+>[-<+>[-<+>[-<+>[
> >     -<[-]>[-<+>]
> >    ]]]]]]]]]]
> >    ]]]]]]]]]]
> >    ]]]]]]]]]]
> >    ]]]]]]]]]]
> >    ]]]]]]]]]]
> >    ]]]]]]]]]]
> >    ]]]]]]]]]]
> >    ]]]]]]]]]]
> >    ]]]]]]]]]]
> >    ]]]]]]]]]]
> >    <[->+<]
> >   ]
> >   >>>
> >  ]
> >  >[-]<<<<<<<<[<<<<<<<]>>>>>>>>
> >  ,----------]<<<
> >  > ++++++++
> >    ++++++++
> >    ++++++++
> >    ++++++++
> >    ++++++++
> >    ++++++++ [-<<<<+<+<+<+>>>>>>>]
> >
> >>>>>>[-<<<+>>>[-<<<+>>>[-<<<+>>>[-<<<+>>>[-<<<+>>>[-<<<+>>>[-<<<+>>>[-<<<+>>>[-<<<+>>>[-<<<<+>[-]>>>[-<<+>>]]]]]]]]]]<<[->>+<<]>>]
> >
> >[-<<+>>[-<<+>>[-<<+>>[-<<+>>[-<<+>>[-<<+>>[-<<+>>[-<<+>>[-<<+>>[-<<<+>[-]>>[-<+>]]]]]]]]]]<[->+<]>]
> >  <<
> >  [-<<<<<<<<<+>>>>>>>>>]<
> >  [-<<<<<<<<<+>>>>>>>>>]<
> >  [-<<<<<<<<<+>>>>>>>>>]<
> >  [-<<<<<<<<<+>>>>>>>>>]<
> >  <
> >  We end at cell 21 so display answer and clear
> >  < <<<<< <<<<< <<<<< <<<<
> >
>  .>.>.>.>.>.>>[.[-]]>[.[-<+>]]>.>.>.>[.[-]]>[.[-]]>[.[-]]>[.[-]]>[.[-]]>.>>
> > ]
> > This is his brainfuck solution. OMG! I think he has a wager or he is a
> > professor wants to teach his students a lesson that anything can be done.
> > >
> >
> >

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