The analysis is out, and I am quoting this from the analysis :

An activity with start time s1 and end time t1 overlaps with another 
> activity with start time s2 and end time t2 if the time intersection is 
> not empty (i.e., max(s1, s2) > min(t1, t2)). 

The same provided in the problem has this test case :

> 3
> 360 480
> 420 540
> 600 660
If you see the first two activities, max(360, 420) = 420, min(480, 540) = 
480 and 420 is not > 480 implying that they do not overlap, but obviously 
they do. The following is my logic for determining overlap :

>    return i.start == i2.start || i.end == i2.end ||
>          (i.start < i2.start && i.end > i2.start) ||
>          (i2.start < i.start && i2.end > i.start)

This to me is appropriate, however I keep getting WA (wrong answer) for the 
basic brute force algorithm. Following is the source for reference, I'd 
appreciate if someone can pin-point what is wrong here.

package main
> import (
>     "bufio"
>     "fmt"
>     "os"
>     "strconv"
>     "strings"
> )
> func readInput() []string {
>     lines := []string{}
>     scanner := bufio.NewScanner(os.Stdin)
>     for scanner.Scan() {
>         lines = append(lines, scanner.Text())
>     }
>     return lines
> }
> func logCase(num int, out string) {
>     fmt.Printf("Case #%d: %s\n", num, out)
> }
> type Interval struct {
>     start, end int
> }
> func max(a, b int) int {
>     if a > b {
>         return a
>     }
>     return b
> }
> func min(a, b int) int {
>     if a < b {
>         return a
>     }
>     return b
> }
> func (i Interval) hasOverlap(i2 Interval) bool {
>     return i.start == i2.start || i.end == i2.end ||
>         (i.start < i2.start && i.end > i2.start) ||
>         (i2.start < i.start && i2.end > i.start)
> }
> type Schedule []Interval
> func (s Schedule) hasOverlap(i Interval) bool {
>     for _, sc := range s {
>         if sc.hasOverlap(i) {
>             return true
>         }
>     }
>     return false
> }
> type Case struct {
>     n        int
>     schedule Schedule
> }
> func (c Case) assignActivities() string {
>     as := ""
>     cs := Schedule{}
>     js := Schedule{}
>     for _, s := range c.schedule {
>         if cs.hasOverlap(s) {
>             if js.hasOverlap(s) {
>                 return "IMPOSSIBLE"
>             }
>             js = append(js, s)
>             as += "J"
>         } else {
>             cs = append(cs, s)
>             as += "C"
>         }
>     }
>     return as
> }
> func (c Case) String() string {
>     return c.assignActivities()
> }
> type Input struct {
>     t     int
>     cases []Case
> }
> func parseInput(lines []string) Input {
>     r := Input{}
>     r.t, _ = strconv.Atoi(lines[0])
>     for i := 0; i < len(lines)-1; i++ {
>         c := Case{}
>         c.n, _ = strconv.Atoi(lines[i+1])
>         for j := 0; j < c.n; j++ {
>             is := lines[i+2]
>             isa := strings.Split(is, " ")
>             interval := Interval{}
>             interval.start, _ = strconv.Atoi(isa[0])
>             interval.end, _ = strconv.Atoi(isa[1])
>             c.schedule = append(c.schedule, interval)
>             i++
>         }
>         r.cases = append(r.cases, c)
>     }
>     return r
> }
> func solve(c Case) string {
>     return fmt.Sprintf("%s", c)
> }
> func main() {
>     in := parseInput(readInput())
>     for i, c := range in.cases {
>         logCase(i+1, solve(c))
>     }
> }

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