Overall idea seems fine, but transformation logic seems incomplete. You
haven't computed it recursively.

Submission returns "WA", and it doesn't provide the example on which it
failed. It's a known difficulty with CodeJam problems.

As you ignored recursion, finding bugs should be easy. Try (rand(-10^9,
10^9), rand(-10^9, 10^9)) and compare your answer against scored submission

I used a similar logic, and scored full.
xy = abs(x) | abs(y)
MSB (a) = nextPowerOf2GreaterThenX/2
NextSB(a) = MSB (a ^ MSB(a))

1. drop MSB(xy) from abs(x),abs(y)
ie. if ((-x) & MSB(xy))  then result="W"+"b timesE"+result , -x = -x ^
2. b = MSB(xy)-NextSB(xy)-1
3. xy = abs(x) | abs(y)
Jump to 1

Regards, Atif Hussain

On Tue, 21 Apr, 2020, 10:52 PM Alexander Iskhakov, <
alexander.iskha...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Submission returns "WA", and it doesn't provide the example on which it
> failed. Cannot find a bug: tried lots of my examples, all work.
> We immediately reduce the problem to considering both inputs as positive
> (if negative we use Abs() and just remember which one or both during
> reading, and then simply mirror output W <-> E and N <-> Sat the very end)
> The idea is as following.
> Let's consider (2, 5) in binary:
> (2,5):
> 2 = 010 = _E_
> 5 = 101 = N_N
> as soon as there is no 1 in the same position, the answer is NEN.
> Let's now consider (6, 11):
> 6 =   0110
> 11 = 1011
> unfortunately, there is an overlap in 2nd bit. So it cannot be translated
> to output directly. But we can observe the following simple transformation:
> 6 = 8 - 2
> 11 = 16 - 5 = 16 - 4 - 1
> where 8 and 16 is next Power of 2 for 6 and 11 correspondingly
> with this transformation we se that all the numbers participated are
> DIFFERENT powers of 2 placed in NON-INTERRUPTING sequence of our jumps: 1,
> 2, 4, 8, 16.
> with this observation, we can transform our inputs into
> 8 | 2   = 01010
> 16 | 5 = 10101
> this can be output directly as for simple (2, 5) case, with one small
> change: we remember which coordinate was transformed (in this case both),
> and we use opposite letter for all 1 except the leftmost:
> 8 | 2   = 01010 = _W_E_
> 16 | 5 = 10101 = S_S_N
> so the output is SWSEN
> To sum up this step, to determine which coordinate to transform we simply
> do 4 consequent checks
> 1. x and y immediately nice
> 2. transformed(x) and y is nice
> 3. x and transformed(y) is nice
> 4. both transformed(x) and transformed(y) is nice
> 5. IMPOSSIBLE if none of checks match
> some a and b "is nice" is when (a & b) == 0
> one more check for IMPOSSIBLE before output is that (a&b) + 1 is the power
> of 2 to avoid cases like 101 and 1000010, resulted after bitwise OR into
> 1000111 which falls under 1-4
> Could somebody check if I am right in my solution?
> code throws "WA" and I cannot find why
> import java.io.{BufferedReader, BufferedWriter, InputStreamReader, 
> OutputStreamWriter}
> import java.util.Scanner
> object Solution {
>   private def isPowerOf2(x: Long) = (x & (x - 1L)) == 0L
>   /**
>    * returns next power of 2 greater then x.
>    * Example: nextPowerOf2GreaterThenX(11) = 16
>    * @param x
>    * @return
>    */
>   private def nextPowerOf2GreaterThenX(x: Long): Long = {
>     var result = 1L
>     var arg = x
>     while (arg > 0L) {
>       arg = arg >> 1
>       result = result << 1
>     }
>     result
>   }
>   def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
>     val outputWriter = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(System.out))
>     val in = new Scanner(new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in)))
>     val t = in.nextLine().toInt
>     for (caseNum <- 1 to t) {
>       val (x, inverseX, y, inverseY) = in.nextLine().split(' ').map(_.toLong) 
> match {
>         case Array(x, y) => (Math.abs(x), x < 0, Math.abs(y), y < 0)
>       }
>       val (resultX: Long, resultY: Long) =
>         if ((x & y) == 0L) {
>           x -> y
>         } else {
>           val xNextPowerOf2 = nextPowerOf2GreaterThenX(x)
>           val x1 = xNextPowerOf2 - x
>           val xRes = xNextPowerOf2 | x1
>           if ((xRes & y) == 0L) {
>             xRes -> y
>           } else {
>             val yNextPowerOf2 = nextPowerOf2GreaterThenX(y)
>             val y1 = yNextPowerOf2 - y
>             val yRes = yNextPowerOf2 | y1
>             if ((x & yRes) == 0L) {
>               x -> yRes
>             } else {
>               if ((xRes & yRes) == 0L)
>                 xRes -> yRes
>               else
>                 0L -> 0L
>             }
>           }
>         }
>       if (resultX == 0L && resultY == 0L || !isPowerOf2((resultX | resultY) + 
> 1L)) {
>         outputWriter.write(s"Case #$caseNum: IMPOSSIBLE\n")
>       } else {
>         val isXnegFirst = resultX != x
>         val isYnegFirst = resultY != y
>         val result = StringBuilder.newBuilder
>         var (xP, yP) = resultX -> resultY
>         while (xP > 0L || yP > 0L) {
>           if ((xP & 1L) == 1L) {
>             if (xP == 1L || !isXnegFirst)
>               result.append(if (inverseX) "W" else "E")
>             else
>               result.append(if (inverseX) "E" else "W")
>           } else if ((yP & 1L) == 1L) {
>             if (yP == 1L || !isYnegFirst)
>               result.append(if (inverseY) "S" else "N")
>             else
>               result.append(if (inverseY) "N" else "S")
>           }
>           xP = xP >> 1L
>           yP = yP >> 1L
>         }
>         outputWriter.write(s"Case #$caseNum: ${result.mkString}\n")
>       }
>     }
>     outputWriter.close()
>   }
> }
> --
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