Thanks Branyine,

your idea works! 

I missed a simple trick of "extending" the base of binary system with -1 :) 
With this and continuation the process until both numbers doesn't have both 
0s in the middle I managed to code and got all 3 PASS. Unfortunately in 
"Practice mode", but still happy. 
Haven't checked your code as the purpose of the exercise includes "code 
myself", but appreciate anyway

On Thursday, 23 April 2020 04:00:50 UTC+8, wrote:
> > one more check for IMPOSSIBLE before output is that (a&b) + 1 is the 
> power of 2 to avoid 
> > cases like 101 and 1000010,
> I think that you missed the possibility not only convert two overlapping 
> bits, but also covering missing bits. You can change e.g. 010001 to 0 -1 -1 
> -1 1 1.
> ===
> My solution is based on the same bitwise approach, but a bit different way:
> 1. Impossible, if a%2==b%2. [Only the last bit can cause this!]
> 2. Suppose we are processing (i+1)-th bit, and we know that the i-th bit 
> is different, 0 and 1 after previous steps applied. Consider following 
> cases:
> a) you get 0 and 1 or 1 and 0 as next bits respectively: you are done.
> b) you get 0 and 0 for the bits: you change the i-th and (i+1)th bit of 
> the one which had 1 on the i-th to -1, 1. Sum of bits so the value of the 
> number is the same.
> c) you get 1 and 1 for the bits: you change the one which had 1 on the 
> i-th to -1,0 _and_ while you find 1-bits on i+2, i+3, ... bits, set them to 
> 0, and set the first 0 to 1. Value is still the same.
> As you only wrote -1 in the "past" bits, and you result always 0 and 1 in 
> the current bit for the next step, this algorithm will always end with a 
> valid result. 
> [In a very abstract level actually this is the same as the explanation 
> has.]
> I don't know whether my python code helps or not.
> Axioma / Kata
> T = int(input())
> bits = [2 ** i for i in range(64)]
> for tst in range(T):
>     X, Y = map(int, input().split())
>     absX, absY = abs(X), abs(Y)
>     mx=len(bin(max(absX,absY)))-2
>     ok=absX%2!=absY%2
>     if ok:
>         dir1 = "EW" if X == absX else "WE"
>         dir2 = "NS" if Y == absY else "SN"
>         aX = [1 if absX & bits[i] != 0 else 0 for i in range(64)]
>         aY = [1 if absY & bits[i] != 0 else 0 for i in range(64)]
>         for i in range(1,64):
>             if i>=mx:
>                 break
>             if aX[i-1]==0:
>                 if aX[i]==0:
>                     if aY[i]==0: # else all OK
>                         aY[i]=1
>                         aY[i-1]=-1
>                 else:
>                     if aY[i]!=0:
>                         aY[i]=0
>                         aY[i-1]=-1
>                         j=i+1
>                         while aY[j]==1:
>                             aY[j]=0
>                             j+=1
>                         aY[j]=1
>                         if j>=mx:
>                             mx=j+1
>             else: # means aY[i-1]==0:
>                 if aY[i]==0:
>                     if aX[i]==0: # else all OK
>                         aX[i]=1
>                         aX[i-1]=-1
>                 else:
>                     if aX[i]!=0:
>                         aX[i]=0
>                         aX[i-1]=-1
>                         j=i+1
>                         while aX[j]==1:
>                             aX[j]=0
>                             j+=1
>                         aX[j]=1
>                         if j>=mx:
>                             mx=j+1
>     if not ok:
>         print("Case #" + str(tst + 1) + ": IMPOSSIBLE")
>     else:
>         res=""
>         for i in range(mx+1):
>             if aX[i]!=0:
>                 res+=dir1[0] if aX[i]==1 else dir1[1]
>             else:
>                 if aY[i]!=0:
>                     res += dir2[0] if aY[i] == 1 else dir2[1]
>         print("Case #" + str(tst + 1) + ": " + res)
> 2020. 04. 21. 19:19 keltezéssel, Alexander Iskhakov írta:
> Submission returns "WA", and it doesn't provide the example on which it 
> failed. Cannot find a bug: tried lots of my examples, all work.
> We immediately reduce the problem to considering both inputs as positive 
> (if negative we use Abs() and just remember which one or both during 
> reading, and then simply mirror output W <-> E and N <-> Sat the very end)
> The idea is as following.
> Let's consider (2, 5) in binary:
> (2,5):
> 2 = 010 = _E_
> 5 = 101 = N_N
> as soon as there is no 1 in the same position, the answer is NEN.
> Let's now consider (6, 11):
> 6 =   0110
> 11 = 1011
> unfortunately, there is an overlap in 2nd bit. So it cannot be translated 
> to output directly. But we can observe the following simple transformation:
> 6 = 8 - 2
> 11 = 16 - 5 = 16 - 4 - 1
> where 8 and 16 is next Power of 2 for 6 and 11 correspondingly
> with this transformation we se that all the numbers participated are 
> DIFFERENT powers of 2 placed in NON-INTERRUPTING sequence of our jumps: 1, 
> 2, 4, 8, 16.
> with this observation, we can transform our inputs into 
> 8 | 2   = 01010
> 16 | 5 = 10101
> this can be output directly as for simple (2, 5) case, with one small 
> change: we remember which coordinate was transformed (in this case both), 
> and we use opposite letter for all 1 except the leftmost:
> 8 | 2   = 01010 = _W_E_
> 16 | 5 = 10101 = S_S_N
> so the output is SWSEN
> To sum up this step, to determine which coordinate to transform we simply 
> do 4 consequent checks
> 1. x and y immediately nice
> 2. transformed(x) and y is nice
> 3. x and transformed(y) is nice
> 4. both transformed(x) and transformed(y) is nice
> 5. IMPOSSIBLE if none of checks match
> some a and b "is nice" is when (a & b) == 0
> one more check for IMPOSSIBLE before output is that (a&b) + 1 is the power 
> of 2 to avoid cases like 101 and 1000010, resulted after bitwise OR into 
> 1000111 which falls under 1-4
> Could somebody check if I am right in my solution? 
> code throws "WA" and I cannot find why

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