Dhanji R. Prasanna wrote:
> You've got way too big an appserver then. I use Jetty when Im
> developing warp-widgets and it comes down and up in less time than it
> takes tomcat to deploy a webapp.

        Maybe. But the preferred paradigm under Netbeans is to redeploy the 
webapp, not the container. I haven't tried Jetty because I prefer 
developing against the same container I end up deploying with (I catch 
more bugs this way). I really don't see what the big deal is with 
respect to redeploying webapps though. Once fixed, these problems tend 
to not come back so long as you add a JUnit test to pick up on them. 
This reminds me of the days when Sun was telling people to just invoke 
System.exit() if Swing wasn't shutting down when the last Window was 
disposed. Yes this works for most cases, but it is far from ideal (and 
there are cases where it creates more work than solves).

> And mostly you need templates/JSPs to reload quickly which they do
> without a restart anyway.

        I haven't used JSPs in years. I do mostly JAX-RS now and Wicket back in 
the day. In both cases you're redeploying Java code without any sort of 


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