Stuart McCulloch wrote:
> can you be a bit more clearer about the link from the Finalizer thread
> to the Tomcat classes? are you loading Guice as a separate bundle
> or elsewhere in the hierarchy, like inside a Tomcat classloader?

        Not as far as I know. I am just using Guice as a library inside my 
webapp. I'm not sure whether "bundle" means something different than a 
library in this context.

> here's how things worked for me - I loaded Guice in Felix as an OSGi
> bundle, so the Finalizer thread (which gets its own classloader) was
> in a classloader chained off the Guice bundle classloader

        What is the "Guice bundle classloader"?

> the Finalizer thread hangs around until it detects that the classloader
> with the reference queue (in this case the Guice bundle) is eligible for
> GC, so until this happens you will see it appear as a GC root
> what might be happening in your case is that something else is keeping
> the Guice classloader alive, in which case the Finalizer thread will stay
> alive (but it won't cause a memory leak, because it shuts down when it
> spots certain key classes being enqueued - as mentioned earlier)

        I suspect warp-servlet is the culprit.

> once the Guice classloader is eligible for GC, the Finalizer thread will
> detect it and shutdown, allowing both classloaders to be unloaded...
> [ ps. you might also want to look at GlassFish v3 prelude ]

        I'm downloading it now. Is this a reasonable version? or are you 
using nightly builds from somewhere else?


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