On Wed, Jan 14, 2009 at 4:53 AM, Andrew Clegg <andrew.cl...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Are GuiSqlMapClientProvider and NdaSqlMapClientProvider supposed to be
> singletons? You might want to try something like toInstance() method
> described in the docs for Binder:
> http://google-guice.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/javadoc/com/google/inject/Binder.html
> bind(SqlMapClient.class).annotatedWith(Gui.class).toInstance( <a
> singleton instance of GuiSqlMapClient constructed however you like> );
> bind(SqlMapClient.class).annotatedWith(Nda.class).toInstance( <a
> singleton instance of NdaSqlMapClient constructed however you like> );
> Then forget about using providers.
> You can build the two objects however you like, with constructors or a
> factory method or a builder, and then Guice will inject them whenever
> it sees an SqlMapClient annotated with the appropriate annotations.
> Or I might have completely misunderstood the problem :-)

The problem(?) is that SqlMapClient.class is an object I don't have control
of it's an iBATIS class that just needs a config file sent to it. Different
DAOs I use (just two for instance) need a different load of that
SqlMapClient class. That's waht the provider was doing was loading up the
SqlMapClient with info from a config file.

So in your example above I can't really make instances of SqlMapClient. It
looks like I have the Robot Legs problem as dicussed here in the FAQ?
http://code.google.com/p/google-guice/wiki/FrequentlyAskedQuestions  I would
think what I'm doing would come up a lot, which is why I seem so stumped and
feel like I'm missing something simple.


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