Bubba, I think that Christian responded to your questions in a very
"bookmarkable" way ;)

On Sun, May 13, 2012 at 4:51 PM, Christian Edward Gruber <cgru...@google.com
> wrote:

> So here's a hello-worldish example, entirely off the top of my head:
> ----
> Foo <- consumable
> Bar <- consumable (product of a transformation)
> FooProcessor <- collaborator
> Logger <- collaborator
> LookupService <- collaborator
> @Named("lookup.url") String processor <- configuration
> ----
> And the classes would look sort of like this (assuming you used
> AssistedInject to create your Foo objects.
> ----
> interface FooProcessor {
>   Bar transformFoo(Foo foo);
> }
> interface Foo {
>   Integer getBaz();
> }
> interface Bar {
>   Integer getTransformedBaz();
> }
> /** Factory interface used by AssistedInject to auto-wire a factory */
> interface FooFactory {
>   Foo create(Integer baz);
> }
> class FooImpl {
>   private final Integer baz;
>   private final Logger logger;
>   @Inject public FooImpl( @AssistedInject Integer baz, Logger logger) {
>     this.baz = baz;       // "Injected" through the factory create method.
>     this.logger = logger; // Injected from Guice
>   }
> }
> class FooProcessorImpl {
>   // fields
>   @Inject FooProcessorImpl(Logger logger, LookupService lookupService) {
>     // field assignments
>   }
>   public Bar transformFoo(Foo foo) {
>     Precondition.notNull("foo", foo);
>     return new BarImpl(lookupService.lookup(foo.getBaz()) * SOME_CONSTANT);
>   }
> }
> class LookupService {
>   // fields
>   @Inject public LookupService(@Named("lookup.url") String lookupUrl) {
>     // field assignments
>   }
>   public Integer lookup(Integer int) {
>     // lookup integer from remote service via the lookup url.
>   }
> }
> ----
> So, Foo and Bar are passed around on the call stack, and consumed and
> created by the collaborators (one collaborator of which is an
> auto-generated FooFactory implementation created by the AssistedInject
> extension system).  The collaborators delegate different responsibilities
> to each other, and the configuration contextualizes collaborators.
> LookupService injects configuration - a named value, presumably wired into
> Guice via Names.bindProperties(Properties p) or jCommander+gCommander or
> something similar.
> This is just how I think of things - a useful breakdown.  But, generally,
> I find that when I segregate responsibilities like this, I have far more
> composable code, and it becomes quickly clear whether something shoudl be
> injected or managed by factories or other services.
> cheers,
> Christian.
> On May 12, 2012, at 12:29 PM, Bubba 42 wrote:
> Many thanks guys for the input.
> Is there an example (Hello World level of complexity) which
> illustrates the collaborators, configuration, and consumables
> stereotypes?
> I'd be happy to put one together if it'd benefit folks -- but would
> need help.
> Thanks.
> On May 11, 5:23 pm, Christian Edward Gruber <cgru...@google.com>
> wrote:
> Please don't inject value classes, generally speaking.
> I tend to think of dependencies in three kinds - collaborators,
> configuration, and consumables.  Consumables are value classes that are
> consumed by and transformed by your collaborators, in the context of your
> configuration.  Generally consumables are passed on the function call stack
> through parameters, whereas collaborators should be injected (for
> testability, decoupling, and all the various other reasons).  Configuration
> may be passed through either, but pick a strategy and go with it.
> That's my basic position.  AssistedInject is wonderful, but slightly
> missed named - think of it as "Assisted Auto-Wiring of Factories."  It's a
> good thing.
> The above isn't to say you "can't" do it, and several frameworks built on
> top of guice or other DI systems do just that, but it's tricky and very
> likely to get subtle implicit behaviour that's hard for other developers to
> reason about.  Common cases are for things like "User" objects to be
> injected into session-scoped objects.  In that case, a user is not
> consumable data, but "configuration" - the context in which other things
> are mutated and created by the collaborators.  But it's important that you
> get your mind clear about what's what in your system so you can apply a
> consistent strategy to it all.
> Christian
> On May 11, 2012, at 7:05 AM, jordi wrote:
> In case you really need to inject value classes, Guice does that for you
> for free. If you @Inject a Person (non-scoped), every time will give a new
> Person.
> But I can't figure out why a simple value class should be managed by
> Guice. In this case I'm sure that's easier and clearer to just use a
> regular, old-fashioned new.
> If what you're looking for is to inject a Service in conjunction with some
> value class, take a look at Assisted Inject [1]
> hth,
> jordi
> [1]http://code.google.com/p/google-guice/wiki/AssistedInject
> On Thu, May 10, 2012 at 10:45 PM, Bubba 42 <bubba424...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I've been unable to find a suitable answer to this question.
> If I understand this correctly: Dependency Injection can be used to
> instantiate service objects -- object that essentially abstract away
> some computational service ... for example (an instance of this class
> would essentially be stateless, save for resources that it might be
> plugged into such as SimpleMath.properties, and I would expect that
> there would be small number of instances of this class per application
> instance say under 5):
> class SimpleMath {
>  public int addTwoNumbers (int n1, int n2) {
>    return n1 + n2;
>  }
>  public int multiplyTwoNumbers (int n1, int n2) {
>    return n1 * n2;
>  }
> }
> Now can DI be used to instantiate value objects (for the lack of a
> better word). By a value object I mean an object that has state and
> the methods are impacted by that state, for example (as opposed to the
> previous class I would expect there to be hundreds or thousands of
> instances of this class):
> class Person {
>  int age;
>  int weight;
>  String fname;
>  String lname;
>  // and so on
>  public String hail() {
>    return "Hello to you to, I am " + fname + " " + lname;
>  }
>  public String howOldAreYou() {
>    return "I don't really like talking about my age but I'm " + age +
> " years young";
>  }
>  // and so on
> }
> Thanks.
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