
> The Calendar.php script is designed for running from the command line.

I don't think so. If you look at the code (line 28-30), it clearly

"* You can run this sample both from the command line (CLI) and also
 * from a web browser.  When running through a web browser, only
 * AuthSub and outputting a list of calendars is demonstrated."

further lines 662-663 say:

"* Main logic for running this sample code via the command line or,
 * for AuthSub functionality only, via a web browser."

and also the lines 839-840:

" // running through web server - demonstrate AuthSub

I think I also clearly pointed out where the bug is, but I'm happy
telling you again ;)

The bug is in the "function getCurrentUrl()"  as "return $protocol .
$host . $port . $php_request_uri;" falsely returns the port

Your help is appreciated.


On May 17, 10:25 pm, Ray Baxter <ray.bax...@gmail.com> wrote:
> What exactly are you trying to do? The Calendar.php script is designed
> for running from the command line. The value of the host and port come
> from environment variables:
>  $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] = value of the Host: header
> which you shouldn't need to set, but if you do, you aren't supposed to
> include the port in the host.
> Ray
> On Sun, May 17, 2009 at 5:23 A
> M, mhausenblas <michael.hausenb...@deri.org> wrote:
> > Just tried out GData/PHP/Zend API, the 'Calendar.php' example on MacOS
> > using MAMP and had an issue with it. I got an error like
> > The "next" parameter was bad or missing."
> > Ok, so I'm digging into it and found a bug in 'Calendar.php':
> > the getCurrentUrl() function returnshttp://localhost:8888:8888/yadayada
> > rather thanhttp://localhost:8888/yadayadadue to $host having the
> > port information already in it and it is hence duplicated.
> > If someone from the PHP team reads this, please fix it.
> > Cheers,
> > Michael
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