And yes, it works an absolute treat. We can now keep using our server
calls which return encoded polylines, and yet get the speed increases
of the new API. Thanks for that. :)

On Oct 7, 4:38 pm, spoco2 <> wrote:
> That is pretty interesting actually, yeah, might actually work in the
> short term for us to be able to still source our encoded polys.
> On Oct 7, 3:44 am, bratliff <> wrote:
> > On Oct 4, 6:00 am,spoco2<> wrote:
> > > Hi all,
> > > I am at a loss as to how to neatly define a complex path polygon/
> > > polyline (think a postcode boundary) in V3 of the API compared to V2.
> > > We have an app that currently uses the V2 API to draw about 50 complex
> > > polygons at a time on a map. This we do using encoded polygons. So one
> > > complex polygon could be represented as:
> > > "d{xefubzsz`bquxn{hlzu`...@jfcuro@c...@jn@b...@prbo@y|
> > > @l[ygi...@zat@mnq^diqiblzas...@}erf}eaho@kUrAdH"
> > > for example. That's a lot of points in a nice, concise string.
> > > Now, in V3 I see there is no such GPolygon.fromEncoded() method, and
> > > instead we are supposed to define polygons via code like:
> > >  var coords= [
> > >         new google.maps.LatLng(25.774252, -80.190262),
> > >         new google.maps.LatLng(18.466465, -66.118292),
> > >         new google.maps.LatLng(32.321384, -64.75737),
> > >         new google.maps.LatLng(25.774252, -80.190262)
> > >     ];
> > > Which, for that very example above turns out like as a few pages of
> > > this editbox full of  'new google.maps.LatLng' definitions. This seems
> > > horrendously inefficient.
> > > I know I can send them as purely an array of points and then on the
> > > client step over that doing the same, but that seems just as bad.
> > > Surely there is a more effiecient way of defining a complex polygon
> > > now?
> > You might find:
> >
> > to be useful.  It uses classic "fromEncoded" polys.  It uses the
> > "points" string.  It ignores the "levels" string.  It could be
> > combined with:
> >
> > to build a client-side KML processor.

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