On Mar 18, 4:42 pm, Gary Little <g...@luxcentral.com> wrote:
> Chris:
> Setting optimized: false seems to have solved my problem since I was
> already doing everything else you suggested. Thanks.
> Now I wish I could set optimized: true but for that I need an official
> way to access the internal z-indexes of the marker.

The zIndex of the marker is not relevant.  You care about the
style.zIndex of the parent node containing the marker CANVAS tiles.
"this.getPanes().overlayLayer" is a DIV with "style.zIndex=101".
Among its child nodes is your OverlayView plus a DIV containing the
marker CANVAS tiles.  In lieu of an actual zIndex order for each, the
order of the child nodes determines painting priority.

If "gary" is the DIV container for your OverlayView, try:

    var parent=this.getPanes().overlayLayer;



To determine the physical "style.zIndex" of each of the child nodes,

    var kids=this.getPanes().overlayLayer.childNodes;

    var z=[];

    for (var i=0 , j=0 ; j=kids[i] ; i++)

You could also capture the "max" & "min" values of the "z" array.

Use an "idle" event listener to limit it to changes in map position.

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