Your welcome, i'm also very pleased to have this sorted.

On a side note, you don't need the forward slashes in your javascript,
only your PHP. Even though it works it is probably best to remove them
as it might throw up an error in some browsers.

With $_GET, you stick a ? on the end of the URL. Then the variable
name, followed by the equals sign and the value (number/letters etc.).
If you want to add more than one set of values and variables, seperate
them with the ampersand (&) symbol. You need the slashes in the PHP
obviously because you are telling it to look for the next folder.

On Jul 30, 10:27 pm, Jason <> wrote:
> Got it.. Thanks John.. I was working on it when you hit it probably.
> Anyway, I think I've got it solved. Kesuke's PHP code was looking for
> tiles named "zoom_x_y.png". My tms is a bit different, zoom and x are
> folders and y is the tile png.
> Changing the php $filename to:
> $filename = "/var/www/merge/tiles/" . intval($_GET['z']) .
> "/" .intval($_GET['x']) . "/" . intval($_GET['y']) . ".png";
> and then in the map code changing the return statement to:
> return "/merge/tiles.php?z=" + zoom + "/&x=" + coord.x + "/&y=" +
> (Math.pow(2,zoom)-coord.y-1) + ".png";
> seems to work for me. I have a google base layer, tiles and no 404s.
> Kesuke, I can't thank you enough for that post. That problem was
> bugging me for months!
> Thanks much!
> On Jul 30, 4:43 pm, John Coryat <> wrote:
> > Your page is generating errors:
> > Uncaught ReferenceError: initialize is not defined
> > I suggesting looking at the JavaScript console.
> > -John Coryat- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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