I am controlling (with an arduino based esp8288) my solar heater by measuring the temperature of the glycol/water in the panel and the water in the boiler. When the panel temperature is above the boiler temperature the pump is running.
I currently generate a csv file (temp.csv) which is used to generate a simple graph via Google Charts. (see attached temperatureGraph.js) I would like to add however the second graph. The csv file looks like this and every 20 secons a line is added 1615141524,25.57 1615141544,26.21 1615141564,26.71 1615141584,27.13 I am able to add the second temperature to the csv file 1615141524,25.57,28.34 I tried add the 2nd temperature to data[2] : function parseCSV(string) { var array = []; var lines = string.split("\n"); for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { var data = lines[i].split(",", 2); data[0] = new Date(parseInt(data[0]) * 1000); data[1] = parseFloat(data[1]); data[2] = parseFloat(data[2]); array.push(data); } return array; } and it to the drawChart() : function drawChart() { var data = new google.visualization.DataTable(); data.addColumn('datetime', 'UNIX'); data.addColumn('number', 'Temperature 1'); data.addColumn('number', 'Temperature 2'); But it does not show-up. It is probably very simple.....but I do not see it. Regards, Eddy ------------------------ var dataArray = []; var defaultZoomTime = 24*60*60*1000; // 1 day var minZoom = -6; // 22 minutes 30 seconds var maxZoom = 8; // ~ 8.4 months var zoomLevel = 0; var viewportEndTime = new Date(); var viewportStartTime = new Date(); loadCSV(); // Download the CSV data, load Google Charts, parse the data, and draw the chart /* Structure: loadCSV callback: parseCSV load Google Charts (anonymous) callback: updateViewport displayDate drawChart */ /* | CHART | | VIEW PORT | invisible | visible | invisible ---------------|---------------------------------------------|---------------> time viewportStartTime viewportEndTime |______________viewportWidthTime______________| viewportWidthTime = 1 day * 2^zoomLevel = viewportEndTime - viewportStartTime */ function loadCSV() { var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() { if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) { dataArray = parseCSV(this.responseText); google.charts.load('current', { 'packages': ['line', 'corechart'] }); google.charts.setOnLoadCallback(updateViewport); } }; xmlhttp.open("GET", "temp.csv", true); xmlhttp.send(); var loadingdiv = document.getElementById("loading"); loadingdiv.style.visibility = "visible"; } function parseCSV(string) { var array = []; var lines = string.split("\n"); for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { var data = lines[i].split(",", 2); data[0] = new Date(parseInt(data[0]) * 1000); data[1] = parseFloat(data[1]); array.push(data); } return array; } function drawChart() { var data = new google.visualization.DataTable(); data.addColumn('datetime', 'UNIX'); data.addColumn('number', 'Temperature'); data.addRows(dataArray); var options = { curveType: 'function', height: 360, legend: { position: 'none' }, hAxis: { viewWindow: { min: viewportStartTime, max: viewportEndTime }, gridlines: { count: -1, units: { days: { format: ['MMM dd'] }, hours: { format: ['HH:mm', 'ha'] }, } }, minorGridlines: { units: { hours: { format: ['hh:mm:ss a', 'ha'] }, minutes: { format: ['HH:mm a Z', ':mm'] } } } }, vAxis: { title: "Temperature (Celsius)" } }; var chart = new google.visualization.LineChart(document.getElementById('chart_div')); chart.draw(data, options); var dateselectdiv = document.getElementById("dateselect"); dateselectdiv.style.visibility = "visible"; var loadingdiv = document.getElementById("loading"); loadingdiv.style.visibility = "hidden"; } function displayDate() { // Display the start and end date on the page var dateDiv = document.getElementById("date"); var endDay = viewportEndTime.getDate(); var endMonth = viewportEndTime.getMonth(); var startDay = viewportStartTime.getDate(); var startMonth = viewportStartTime.getMonth() if (endDay == startDay && endMonth == startMonth) { dateDiv.textContent = (endDay).toString() + "/" + (endMonth + 1).toString(); } else { dateDiv.textContent = (startDay).toString() + "/" + (startMonth + 1).toString() + " - " + (endDay).toString() + "/" + (endMonth + 1).toString(); } } document.getElementById("prev").onclick = function() { viewportEndTime = new Date(viewportEndTime.getTime() - getViewportWidthTime()/3); // move the viewport to the left for one third of its width (e.g. if the viewport width is 3 days, move one day back in time) updateViewport(); } document.getElementById("next").onclick = function() { viewportEndTime = new Date(viewportEndTime.getTime() + getViewportWidthTime()/3); // move the viewport to the right for one third of its width (e.g. if the viewport width is 3 days, move one day into the future) updateViewport(); } document.getElementById("zoomout").onclick = function() { zoomLevel += 1; // increment the zoom level (zoom out) if(zoomLevel > maxZoom) zoomLevel = maxZoom; else updateViewport(); } document.getElementById("zoomin").onclick = function() { zoomLevel -= 1; // decrement the zoom level (zoom in) if(zoomLevel < minZoom) zoomLevel = minZoom; else updateViewport(); } document.getElementById("reset").onclick = function() { viewportEndTime = new Date(); // the end time of the viewport is the current time zoomLevel = 0; // reset the zoom level to the default (one day) updateViewport(); } document.getElementById("refresh").onclick = function() { viewportEndTime = new Date(); // the end time of the viewport is the current time loadCSV(); // download the latest data and re-draw the chart } document.body.onresize = drawChart; function updateViewport() { viewportStartTime = new Date(viewportEndTime.getTime() - getViewportWidthTime()); displayDate(); drawChart(); } function getViewportWidthTime() { return defaultZoomTime*(2**zoomLevel); // exponential relation between zoom level and zoom time span // every time you zoom, you double or halve the time scale } -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Google Visualization API" group. 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