On 23 Sep, 23:05, Galen Mullins <gmull...@gmail.com> wrote:
> As far as my knowledge goes Wave opens its doors on the 31st. I've
> also noticed that the developer form is no longer posted on the wave
> website. I submitted my form all the way back on June 6th and have
> never received an invitation. By this point are just not doing any
> more developer invites because its so close to public beta?

I even *had* an invite but never got access.. only a very few got in.
developers in the US who could attend a special google presentation I

> Also will I be able to start developing and posting gadgets as soon as
> it opens on the 31st or will developer privileges still be in limited
> distribution? I've been waiting all summer for an invite so never
> receiving one after submitting the form in June has been kind of of
> depressing. All I want to do is start playing with Google Wave

I know how you feel - had two months of developer time that I could
allocated to wave, and it passed by with no Wave & now there's no time

AFAIK the 31st isn't 'open' fully it's an extra 100,000 invites (this
to non-developers).  Given that they've probably got a couple of
requests in the queue you might get lucky but don't hold your breath.


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