'lo all

     Firstly, let me say I don't have access to the Sandbox, so if
this is a silly question that would easily be answered there or
whatever, that is why.

     Toying around with making a gadget, and I'm wanting to have a
different "view" if the wave is in EDIT mode rather than the regular
VIEW mode. However, with the code:

     if(wave.getMode()==wave.Mode.VIEW){document.write("View Mode");
     else if(wave.getMode()==wave.Mode.EDIT){document.write("Edit

in <script> tags, neither one appear either when I'm viewing the wave
or when I'm editing it. I threw a document.write("Testing
Javascript"); outside of the if statements to ensure I hadn't borked
anything else up, and that at least prints.

     So, any ideas as to what I'm doing wrong? Or is getMode not yet
fully supported in Wave Preview? Thanks in advance,

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