Changed the require feature as you stated, but it still isn't
working. :|  I'll continue sifting through the source of other gadgets
to try and figure it out. Thanks.

On Oct 13, 8:46 pm, "pamela (Google Employee)" <>
> Hi nerd_boy -
> We are currently updating the documentation with a notice that some
> functionality (like this) is only available in the latest version of the
> API.
> Change <Require feature="wave"> to "wave-preview" and it should work.
> Check the Map Gadget in the samples gallery for example usage.
> - pamela
> On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 9:21 AM, nerd_boy <> wrote:
> > 'lo all
> >     Firstly, let me say I don't have access to the Sandbox, so if
> > this is a silly question that would easily be answered there or
> > whatever, that is why.
> >     Toying around with making a gadget, and I'm wanting to have a
> > different "view" if the wave is in EDIT mode rather than the regular
> > VIEW mode. However, with the code:
> >     if(wave.getMode()==wave.Mode.VIEW){document.write("View Mode");
> >     else if(wave.getMode()==wave.Mode.EDIT){document.write("Edit
> > Mode");
> > in <script> tags, neither one appear either when I'm viewing the wave
> > or when I'm editing it. I threw a document.write("Testing
> > Javascript"); outside of the if statements to ensure I hadn't borked
> > anything else up, and that at least prints.
> >     So, any ideas as to what I'm doing wrong? Or is getMode not yet
> > fully supported in Wave Preview? Thanks in advance,
> > --nerd_boy

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