On Sun, Oct 18, 2009 at 9:57 AM, Smola <callmesm...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I need a way for information my robot gathers to persist.  So, let's
> say I want to find a blip and save its ID so I can work with it in the
> future.  I don't know how to do that currently.  I know how to find
> the ID of a blip, but I do I save it for later use?  Or, if I create

You can either persist your data to the wave itself (e.g.
wavelet.setDataDocument), or, since your robot is certainly implemented
using appengine, use the appengine datastore.

an object in response to an event, how do I save all of the properties
> of that object as they are affected by more and more incoming blips?

Serializing the object and storing it either with the wavelet, or in a
datastore, would seem like fine solutions to that problem.

> Is the object automatically saved on the server when my robot is added
> to a wave and then stays there the rest of the time?  It would seem
> that if waves are to exist forever in my archive that that would take
> up quite a bit of space down the road.

If you store your state with the wavelet, it stays with the wavelet and
disappears only when the wavelet disappears.  Since it's not taking up space
in your own datastore, you don't have to worry about managing it.  On the
other hand, if you'd rather store this in your own datastore, you'll need to
clean up your data on your own (the blip_deleted event might be useful), but
yes, I would imagine that this would grow as the number of waves your robot
participates in grows.


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