I can seem to trash a wave now but still can't actually empty the

On Oct 25, 5:45 pm, Vision Jinx <vjn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Follow-up: I tried to empty my trash and there does not seem to be an
> empty trash option. Only once again select a wave in the trash and a
> trash option appears which again only closes the wave. I would think
> from the nav bar when selecting the drop down arrow there should be a
> clear trash option etc. When I open the wave in the trash, same as
> before the delete 'link' does not appear to do anything.
> It would be nice at least to maintain some consistency with Gmail and
> have it work like that. Check boxes to select wave/waves to delete
> (move, archive, label etc etc) and in the trash have a link to empty
> trash (actually delete all).
> Anyone else feel the same?
> On Oct 25, 3:48 pm, Vision Jinx <vjn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Thanks for the feedback everyone. I do have a wave in my trash (but
> > have not actually tried to empty trash) so I was sure this did work at
> > one point (in the public preview I was trying), but it was not working
> > again. Seems really weird though that delete is a "feature" that is
> > not stable or really implemented. Just seems like this should have
> > been one of the obvious things developed and added very early on (or
> > at very least resolved in the dev sandbox before public release
> > version). I have a bunch of "test", "testing" waves I want to get rid
> > of.
> > Anyways, many thanks for the follow ups everyone! :)
> > On Oct 25, 1:32 pm, Pedro Mario <pedroportocarreromor...@gmail.com>
> > wrote:
> > > I have the same problem but I haveit recently, yesterday the system
> > > was ok, I could archive or send to trash waves but not today, so we
> > > will have to wait a little to fix this issue.
> > > On 25 oct, 14:26, Smola <callmesm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > > I'd have to agree with Mr. Nesting.  I know you want to get the wave
> > > > out of of your inbox, but not at the expense of perhaps not getting
> > > > legitimate waves later.
> > > > As for the problem, I have experienced the same issue, but it is
> > > > intermittent.  I also get this same intermittent problem when trying
> > > > to archive waves.  The wave closes but remains in my inbox.  Again,
> > > > both of these issues are intermittent for me and are unpredictable.
> > > > It's important to note that I'm mainly using Wave Preview, but I have
> > > > seen this issue in sandbox as well.
> > > > On Oct 25, 2:03 pm, David Nesting <da...@fastolfe.net> wrote:
> > > > > On Sun, Oct 25, 2009 at 10:56 AM, voidref <void...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > > > > Deleting waves does not appear to work yet, I have had to mark them 
> > > > > > as
> > > > > > spam, and them Mute them.
> > > > > I guess you gotta do what you gotta do, but I would be concerned that 
> > > > > this
> > > > > would introduce noise into the spam filtering Wave uses (or may use 
> > > > > in the
> > > > > future).  Marking legitimate waves as spam would seem to make it more
> > > > > difficult for the system to identify spam in the future.
> > > > > David
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