I realised my code was fine so that it was probably a problem with
globals, and found out that you can't use them here, or at least that
they can't be modified.
So I used the datastore, and it works now, which is nice.

Working solution can be found on the links I provided above.

On Nov 7, 2:15 pm, Niall <twom...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks for your reply, Lee. I've been working on and off over the last
> couple of days and I think I'm stuck.
> The code I'm using can be found here 
> --http://code.google.com/p/googlewaverobots/source/browse/trunk/robotte...
> and the gadget is found 
> herehttp://code.google.com/p/googlewaverobots/source/browse/trunk/robotte...
> (I decided to try to replicate the translation robot, as it seemed
> like it'd teach me a good amount about python and the APIs)
> Anyway, the problem I'm having is that I can't get the robot, when a
> new blip is submitted, to read the state of the gadget, but when I
> modify the languages in the dropdown options it gets them fine. I
> think the problem is in how I search for the gadget, as when I modify
> the state of the gadget it works well, but if I don't it doesn't find
> the gadget.
> I searched the groups and can't find a way of doing this that works
> for me. I tried making global variables so that when the gadget is
> modified the language pairs would likewise be modified. I made two
> variables fr and to (language from which and to which we're
> translating) and in the onBlipSubmitted I did a global fr and global
> to and tried modifying them in the gadget key, elem gadget loop but to
> no avail -- I got no errors, but it wouldn't modify the values for me.
> You can also see what I've tried on the previous revisions of the
> code. If I set a default value for the global variables I can't change
> it, and if I don't set anything it says that the global name is not
> defined.
> Any help is very much appreciated.
> Cheers.
> On Nov 5, 12:52 am, Lee <leeyuan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Looking at the API, the following python object will allow you to
> > create a local UI on the client browser
> > waveapi.document.Gadget(resource)
> > And
> > blip.GetDocument().AppendElement(Element*)
> > Subclassed instances of Element are also allowed, so you can initiate
> > a document.Gadget object
> > The wave environment already provides an interface for the host
> > application (more info 
> > athttp://code.google.com/apis/wave/extensions/gadgets/guide.html),
> > the following might help
> > The gadget will contain a list that automatically invokes wave.getState
> > ().submitDelta(dict); everytime the change event occurs on the list
> > (you can do this via jQuery) and the result is sent back to the
> > application, which does what it needs off of the information.
> > On 4 Nov, 17:14, Niall <twom...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Thanks for your reply, Lee.
> > > I don't think the code for aunt-rosie is available (aunt-
> > > ro...@appspot.com to use it, and the developer's website is 
> > > herehttp://andrewhitchcock.org/?post=322)
> > > I think I know what I have to do, though. I was looking at the row of
> > > four source code, so I think I have to make a bit of a module like
> > > what it's got herehttp://rowoffour.appspot.com/gadget.xml
> > > I'll go play around with this for a while and report back with
> > > successes and failures.
> > > On Nov 4, 10:39 pm, Lee <leeyuan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > > The beauty of API design, and this is especially true of Google
> > > > projects, is that the binding exposes the same sets of methods and
> > > > objects for every language that it supports, so in theory it should be
> > > > relatively easy to port specific portions of the app across different
> > > > languages (all you need is a the most rudimentary amount of knowledge
> > > > about the syntax of Java).
> > > > If you can provide the link to download for the aunt-rosie robot, I
> > > > can help you locate and port the code to python. (Although it may be
> > > > in the API document, make sure that you check there first).
> > > > On 4 Nov, 08:42, Niall <twom...@gmail.com> wrote:
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