After some experimentation, I have discovered that the uiConfig
setXXXEnabled functions don't do anything. I can set them to true or
false with the same effect.

It is possible to get the toolbar enabled by using an undocumented
function: setToolbarVisible(boolean), as Yariv suggested.

For example:
    function initWavePanel(waveId) {
      var wave = new WavePanel('');
      var uiConfig = new WavePanel.UIConfig();
      wave.init(document.getElementById('waveframe'), function()

Can someone from Google explain what the Header and Footer are
supposed to be and when the API will support them?

I would like to enable the part of a wave with Tags, including the
tags assigned to the wave and the ability to add new tags. I would
also like to enable the part of a wave with the Playback button (the
other buttons may also be useful), and wave participants.



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