It occurs to me that Wave essentially only supports document-based
information, that is all waves and wavelets are designed to hold
Google Docs Document-type information.  This is fine for majority of
the information that will be shared through the Wave protocol; email,
instant messaging and basic collaboration are all formatted as such.

However, there are some types of collaborative documents which can't
be, at the moment, stored effectively using the Wave protocols - take
Spreadsheets for example.  In the case of Spreadsheets, you not only
want people to be able to collaboratively set and change the cells in
the document, but you could also allow people to attach wavelets onto
the Spreadsheet cells.

One might suggest the use of Wave embeds for anything other that
document-based information, however this is a very large barrier to
usability.  Imagine a Wave document where the only thing inside it was
a Wave embed, one that renders and handles spreadsheets on another
server.  Not only does this provide a barrier to usability on the Wave
client (the document-editing toolbars are unnecessary and only invite
users to create wavelets outside of the intended document), but
essentially reduces Wave to being a container for other collaborative
platforms, where the power of Wave is not taken advantage of.

I was unable to find an example of what a Wavelet actually looks like
in XML form, but I suggest the following additional parameters to
Wavelets.  I'll explain each of the following parameters below.

* documentType="application/spreadsheet"
* documentSpecification="<url to document type specification>"
* documentFallbackGadgetURL="<url to gadget>"
* documentFallbackErrorURL="<url to a webpage>"

documentType informs the Wave client of the type of content the Wave
contains, whether this be text/html for standard Wave documents,
application/spreadsheet for Spreadsheets or application/slides for a
Slideshow.  The format of the parameter should match that of the
internet content types, but it does not necessarily have to use the
currently defined MIME types used on the internet (as I can see that
some would have no use, such as application/msword).  documentTypes
should be kept unique, preferably having a set of predefined types
established as part of the Wave protocol.  However, in case of clashes
or unknown document types, the documentSpecification parameter plays
an important role.

documentSpecification should never be present to the end user, but is
instead used to distinguish areas where documentTypes may clash
(obviously without the original author of the documentType's
intention).  More importantly, it allows developers of Wave clients to
track the rise of unknown documentTypes and set about implementing
support for them into their Wave client as per the specification that
was linked to.  However, as we want to enable the user to take part
collaboratively regardless of whether their Wave client supports it
natively, the documentFallbackGadgetURL can be used to specify an
embed for the Wave client to use in place of it's own native handling.

documentFallbackGadgetURL is not a required parameter for the Wavelet
to provide, however the Wavelet must provide either
documentFallbackGadgetURL or documentFallbackErrorURL.  The
documentFallbackGadgetURL points to an gadget which essentially
replicates the functionality that a Wave client would implement itself
natively.  If a Wave client can not display a gadget, it should
fallback to documentFallbackErrorURL.

documentFallbackErrorURL defines a URL which the Wave client will
display along with the appropriate error message.  The URL should
specify a webpage that instructs the user how they can further
participate in the Wave.

The following images show how Google Wave might represent a situation
where it is unable to render a gadget, and a situation where it is
natively rendering a spreadsheet (to highlight the difference between
native rendering and how it would currently be displayed in an
gadget).  Both are direct links.

So those are my thoughts and ideas on the matter, feedback and
suggestions are very much appreciated (obviously the Wave guys would
have the final say if they decided to implement this).  I'll create a
Wave in the to get further feedback there
as well.

Regards, James.

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