On Wed, Sep 10, 2008 at 7:37 PM, BobV <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> They're the same thing.  The previous <set-value> behavior is simply
> limiting the number of active choices to exactly one.

As far as I can tell, <set-property> calls property.setActiveValue, which
simply updates the activeValue field.  This does not impact
property.getKnownValues(), which ulimiately comes from <define-property> via

>From ModuleSpacePropertyOracle, getPropertyValueSet returns getKnownValues,
while getPropertyValue (via computePropertyValue) uses getActiveValue.

So, it appears to me, the way it works now is that
PropertyOracle.getPropertyValueSet will return the set of values from
define-property, while PropertyOracle.getPropertyValue will return the
result from set-property, or if not set, whatever the current permutation is

What am I missing?

As mentioned before, LocaleInfoGenerator uses getPropertyValueSet to
determine the list of locales which information needs to be provided for,
and that is independent of the locale currently being compiled (which is
used elsewhere, but not the relevant part of this example).  If set-property
with multiple values were used to replace the set of locales available
rather than simply to restrict the permutations to compile, the generated
code will in fact be different than if you compiled all the permutations and
only kept that one.  I think that is counter-intuitive at least.

John A. Tamplin
Software Engineer (GWT), Google


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