Hello all,

I'd really like to use the validation part of incubator, but I'd like
to do the following updates and design changes:

Update to use Java 1.5 features that are now available
This is pretty straight forward. I would use typed lists in
AbstractValidationController, make Subject a generic interface (for
the value returned), and other minor changes.

Use interfaces instead of abstract classes
A lot of the main validation classes are abstract classes. Some
examples are ErrorHandler, AbstractValidationController and Validator.
This creates a lot of problems for unit testing these classes because
you can't really mock them out, you have to instantiate them, etc.
Therefore, I think it's better to make these classes interfaces and
make an abstract concrete implementation that includes the current

Write test cases
The validation library is currently missing unit tests, I'd like to
add extensive tests. I wanted to use EasyMock (http://
www.easymock.org/) for testing some of the stuff that doesn't involve
GWT.create() calls. EasyMock is under the MIT license, is it
acceptable to use and include?

Remove static methods
There are a number of static methods scattered around in classes like
the DefaultTextBoxSubject, RegExValidator and ValidatorController.
Static methods really make testing hard, and global states are in
general bad. Is there a specific reason for these static methods?

Annotation based validation
What do you think about annotation based validation? It could look
something like this:

TextBox firstName = new TextBox();

@NumberRangeValidator(low = 18, high = 100)
TextBox age = new TextBox();

Let me know what you think. Thank you.

Arthur Kalmenson

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