Hey Emily,

Is there a use case when a ValidatorController will hold different
types of Subjects and Validators or can I assume that
ValidatorController is generic and the generic type will be the same
in Validators and Subjects?

Arthur Kalmenson

On Oct 6, 12:20 pm, "Emily Crutcher" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > va 1.5 features that are now available
> > --------
> > This is pretty straight forward. I would use typed lists in
> > AbstractValidationController, make Subject a generic interface (for
> > the value returned), and other minor changes.
> Yes.
> > Use interfaces instead of abstract classes
> > --------
> > A lot of the main validation classes are abstract classes. Some
> > examples are ErrorHandler, AbstractValidationController and Validator.
> > This creates a lot of problems for unit testing these classes because
> > you can't really mock them out, you have to instantiate them, etc.
> > Therefore, I think it's better to make these classes interfaces and
> > make an abstract concrete implementation that includes the current
> > code.
> To me, this depends upon how well you can factor them into characteristic
> interfaces.  What we want to avoid is an interface with a "bundle of
> functionality" where we locked out of adding more features.
> Some of the system might be able to be be mapped into the event handlers
> framework or something similar (i.e. a set of validation events consumed by
> validation handlers)  this pattern gives the the advantages of interfaces,
> but can still be enhanced over time.
> > Write test cases
> > --------
> > The validation library is currently missing unit tests, I'd like to
> > add extensive tests. I wanted to use EasyMock (http://
> >www.easymock.org/) for testing some of the stuff that doesn't involve
> > GWT.create() calls. EasyMock is under the MIT license, is it
> > acceptable to use and include?
> Let me check with legal on this one.  GWT code certainly runs with easy
> mock, however I don't know if we can bundle it with the gwt-incubator code.
> > Remove static methods
> > --------
> > There are a number of static methods scattered around in classes like
> > the DefaultTextBoxSubject, RegExValidator and ValidatorController.
> > Static methods really make testing hard, and global states are in
> > general bad. Is there a specific reason for these static methods?
> This is completely true of server side code, and therefore as validation is
> a shared system, we would definitely want to go over it with a fine-toothed
> comb.
> GWT Client side web applications, in general, are less subject to this
> rule,  because
>    1. They are, by nature, single threaded
>    2. They are, by nature, single user
>    3. They run on JavaScript, so are,by nature, slow
>    4. They need to include the fewest lines of code possible, which means we
>    must be very careful that the compiler can trace through when code is
>    actually needed, in other words a lot of the injection-dependency systems
>    which are perfect for server code end up creating really bad  GWT apps.
> > Annotation based validation
> > --------
> > What do you think about annotation based validation? It could look
> > something like this:
> > @NotEmptyValidator
> > TextBox firstName = new TextBox();
> > @NumberRangeValidator(low = 18, high = 100)
> > TextBox age = new TextBox();
> > I like the general principle, the devil, of course, will be in the details!
> > Let me know what you think. Thank you.
> > Regards,
> > Arthur Kalmenson
> --
> "There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand
> binary, and those who don't"

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