Can we get someone to weigh in on this?

This is for the integration of the Google visualization, demonstrating the
'preferred' way to create a custom visualization with GWT accessible from

The current solution is to use the standard linker and fire a global

$wnd.onVisualizationNameCallback() from the onModuleLoad() entry point.

which I don't feel would be extensible if we had many visualizations
implemented with GWT.


On Mon, Nov 10, 2008 at 10:55 AM, Uwe Maurer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Nov 10, 3:36 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > I added some code to have a callback from GWT to javascript, to make
> > sure the GWT visualization is loaded before using it.
> >
> I am wondering what is the preferred way to make sure a GWT
> application is loaded before some other javascript (non GWT) in the
> hosting page is executed.
> In my example I would like to load a GWT application that exports some
> functions to javascript. The javascript in the hosting page need to be
> executed after the GWT application is done with registering these
> functions.
> Can I just put the script tag that loads the GWT application in the
> <head>? Or is a callback from GWT to javascript necessary?  If yes,
> what is the best way to implement such a callback? Can the GWT
> bootstrap code help or a special linker?
> As example please see this code:
> Thanks,
> Uwe
> >

Eric Z. Ayers - GWT Team - Atlanta, GA USA


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