> This isn't a compiler bug, it's caused by hosted mode being perhaps slightly
> overeager?  The deal is, the custom field serializer for Arrays.asList()
> (com.google.gwt.user.client.rpc.core.java.util.Arrays.ArrayList_CustomFieldSerializer),
> has a method getArray0() that uses a JSNI reference that's only valid
> against our own JRE emulation classes... it's not valid against a real JRE.
>  This is okay, because the call to that method is guarded by a
> GWT.isScript() block.
> Bob, thoughts?

The problem here is that we need to rewrite the JSNI method with the
numeric dispatch ids before we inject the code into the browser.
Previously, dispatch was string-based so it wasn't a problem.  We
could add an @SuppressWarnings("jsni") to the method to squelch
warnings like this.

Bob Vawter
Google Web Toolkit Team


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