
   I floated an idea a long time ago of property aliasing/subtyping
(see here: 
I proposed to this solve some problems with introducing new user.agent
properties in the presence of third party modules which you do not
have control over. You can replace the <any> references in the GWT
module libraries, but this won't fix any legacy code written by others
which would also need updating. With the aliasing proposal, you could
state "treat ie7 like ie6 whenever you encounter a when-property-is
rule, unless there is a more specific rule binding to ie7"

  I'm not a big fan of the prefix approach, as it places an ad-hoc
semantic meaning on what is really opaque identifiers/enums, and
forces a naming convention on property values, that may or may not
hold for non-browser property values, or will limit reuse of third
party libraries designed without the prefix methodology.


On Wed, Dec 17, 2008 at 10:44 PM, BobV <b...@google.com> wrote:
>  I wanted to float the idea of adding ie7 and ie8 values to the
> user.agent property in trunk.  Given that we collapse permutations
> with identical rebind results before optimizing, adding them won't
> cause an immediate increase in the total number of permutations.
> Initially, all references to ie6 in the rebind rules would need to be
> replaced with an <any> block containing the additional values, or we
> could change the <when-property-is value="ie6"> to a newly-added
> <when-property-is prefix="ie">.
>  There's been some demand for making CssResource more compatible with
> ie6 versus ie7 and I'd prefer to avoid adding a runtime check if it
> can be helped.
> --
> Bob Vawter
> Google Web Toolkit Team
> >


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