Yep, that's a requirement, the only question, in my mind, is how to name the

On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 2:09 PM, Ray Cromwell <> wrote:

> Being able to pick out only base events is crucial for me, as trying to
> package the DOM classes in some environments leads to breakage (e.g.
> Android)-Ray
> On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 10:45 AM, <> wrote:
>> File user/src/com/google/gwt/event/Event.gwt.xml (right):
>> Line 2: <source path="shared"/>
>> On 2009/01/15 14:53:37, ecc wrote:
>> > In almost all other cases in gwt, the module corresponding to the
>> package name
>> > included everything. What about renaming this module to
>> EventInfrastructure or
>> > EventBase if that is no longer true?
>> The way things were before, it was impossible to take only the Event
>> module, without picking up both the dom and logical packages. That would
>> make this entire exercise pointless, because you wouldn't be able to
>> reuse common event infrastructure without picking up a dependency on
>> User.
>> The only solutions to this are (a) what we have here or (b) to get rid
>> of the event package hierarchy, which would leave us with something
>> like:
>> gwt.event.Event
>> gwt.domevent.DomEvent
>> gwt.logicalevent.LogicalEvent
>> I don't care a great deal, but having a structure that makes it
>> impossible to pick out the modules you want is unacceptable.
>> File user/src/com/google/gwt/event/shared/
>> (right):
>> Line 23: */
>> On 2009/01/15 14:53:37, ecc wrote:
>> > wording seems slightly awkward, can you rephrase? Something like
>> "Contains a
>> > collection of handlers, exposing the ability ...
>> It doesn't actually *contain* a collection of handlers, but I've
>> reworded it a bit anyway.
>> File user/src/com/google/gwt/event/shared/ (right):
>> Line 307:
>> On 2009/01/15 14:53:37, ecc wrote:
>> > would prefer to have this method on a separate util class that is then
>> javadoc'd
>> > to be only used by people implementing new handler collections
>> > (EventManagementUtil maybe?)
>> >
>> Done.
>> Line 365: HandlerManager.this.removeHandler((Type<EventHandler>) type,
>> handler);
>> On 2009/01/14 22:50:06, rjrjr wrote:
>> > Why is this an improvement over DefaultHandlerRegistration? We have
>> arguably
>> > less type safety, and no fewer classes.
>> Not sure I follow -- DefaultHandlerRegistration assumed and required the
>> use of HandlerManager, so you couldn't use them separately. All it
>> appeared to do was implement the semantics of an inner class with a lot
>> more typing (i.e., it had manually written ctor and fields that are just
>> copies of now-final locals (HandlerManager.this, type, handler), and
>> both implementations of removeHandler() contain the exact same typecast.
>> I can't figure out a single reason for separating it into a top-level
>> class.
>> File user/src/com/google/gwt/user/client/ui/ (left):
>> Line 53: public final HandlerManager getHandlers() {
>> On 2009/01/15 15:01:08, rjrjr wrote:
>> > On 2009/01/15 14:53:37, ecc wrote:
>> > > I think that would be a much larger breaking change if we did not
>> override the
>> > > return type here.
>> >
>> > I think it's too soon to think that way with this code. All of its
>> users are
>> > early adopters who haven't even had access to it in an RC, or internal
>> users
>> > whom we're perfectly capable of fixing.
>> >
>> > Narrowing the type is the odd thing to do, and if we don't have a
>> compelling
>> > reason to do it, we shouldn't. IMHO
>> I'm with Ray on this one -- I originally had tightened it down to
>> HandlerManager because it wasn't an implementation of an interface
>> method. But there's no need for the covariance here, because widgets
>> never use it directly. I've loosened the type back to HandlerCollection,
>> which feels a lot cleaner (I had to add one typecast to ListenerWrapper,
>> but that's a temporary, deprecated glue class, so that feels ok to me).
>> BTW, I dropped the javadoc because it's a trivial implementation of an
>> interface method. There's no reason to specialize the documentation, and
>> it will get picked up from the interface anyway.
>> File user/src/com/google/gwt/user/datepicker/client/
>> (right):
>> Line 443: DateChangeEvent.fireIfNotEqualDates(getHandlers(), this,
>> oldDate, date);
>> On 2009/01/15 14:53:37, ecc wrote:
>> > I think this was a remnant from the previous patch.
>> Thanks. Removed.
>> File user/src/com/google/gwt/user/datepicker/client/
>> (right):
>> Line 42: HandlerCollection handlers, S source, Date oldValue, Date
>> newValue) {
>> On 2009/01/15 14:53:37, ecc wrote:
>> > I think this is a remnant from the previous patch.
>> Yup. Removed.
>> File user/test/com/google/gwt/user/client/ (right):
>> Line 191:, Window.handlers, 0, 0);
>> On 2009/01/14 22:50:06, rjrjr wrote:
>> > this won't compile...
>> Whoops, diff update garbage. Removed.
>> >>

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