ClassPathEntry: update @return on line 33
- slightly dangerous to overload modCount this way
- Needs format
- Use javadoc on field comments, not single-line non-javadoc comments

- Single-line multi-line comment on 305
- Comment for globalResourceToPrefixMap?
- Let's walk through the logic face to face, I'd like to confirm why we
don't need to preserve Resource->Prefix across refreshes.

- Add a test to make sure the correct PathPrefix is returned?

ClassPathEntryTest has compile errors

ResourceOracleImplTest does not pass for me; are you missing updates to the
test data or are there some stale changes from a previous patch in there?

On Fri, Jan 16, 2009 at 8:04 PM, Amit Manjhi <> wrote:

> Hi Scott,
> Please find attached the patch which enables ResourceOracleImpl to
> prefer PathPrefix over ClassPath in choosing resources.
> Regards,
> Amit


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