On Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 12:28 AM, BobV <b...@google.com> wrote:
> http://google-web-toolkit.googlecode.com/svn/changes/bobv/elide_rpc_type_names_r4602
> Future changes:
>  - A compiler flag or optional module to neuter Class.getName().

I've added an -XdisableClassMetadata flag to this branch.

This disables:
 - Class.getName() -> returns "Class$<hashCode()>"
 - Class.getSuperclass() -> returns null
 - Class.toString() -> returns Object.toString()

You can still use class.getName() as an equality comparison, but not
for anything that requires semantic meaning; the relationships between
the strings will be constant throughout the lifetime of the module.

A.class == A.class != B.class
A.class.getName() == A.class.getName() != B.class.getName()

With this flag enabled, class literal setup for non-enum types is a
simple JS new operation.  It reduces the total amount of code
generated in a showcase compile by 10% based on "find war -name
'*.cache.html' -o -name '*.cache.js' | xargs wc".

Bob Vawter
Google Web Toolkit Team


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