Awesome. With regards to StyleInjector, one feature I'd ask for is the
ability to control where in the cascade it injects. For example, I use IRB
in Chronoscope to inject GWT widget Themes, but what happens is, this
overrides any themes the user has included via <style> tags or <stylesheet>
module elements, because it occurs last in the stylesheet order, which makes
it difficult for others to selectively override IRB injected styles (without
annoyingly liberal usage of !important)

On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 7:31 PM, BobV <> wrote:

> After 16+ months of on-and-off development, ClientBundle (nee
> ImmutableResourceBundle) is moving to GWT trunk.
> $ find user/src/com/google/gwt/resources/
> user/test/com/google/gwt/resources/ -name *.java | xargs wc  | grep
> total
>    9871   34391  317990 total
> The module is not included from
> User by default, so this commit should be a no-op for those tracking
> GWT and incubator trunk.  Note also that some non-trivial API changes
> have occurred, includes renames and removal of methods marked as
> deprecated.
> The initial add at r5083 includes the following resource types:
>  - CssResource
>  - DataResource
>  - ExternalTextResource
>  - GwtCreateResource
>  - ImageResource
>  - TextResource
> TODO in priority order:
>  - Move StyleInjector as a separate commit.
>    - Which package is most appropriate?
>  - Deprecate incubator versions and provide transition documentation.
>    - A very rough guide to changes is here
>  - Deprecate ImageBundle with replacement.
>  - Begin switching gwt.user and sample apps to ClientBundle
> --
> Bob Vawter
> Google Web Toolkit Team
> >


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