On 26 mar, 19:18, John Tamplin <j...@google.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 1:40 PM, Scott Blum <sco...@google.com> wrote:
> > That's not good....  it looks like Nicolas found an object for which trying
> > to evaluate (!!o.nodeType) throws an exception.
> If my atrophied high-school French is correct, I believe the error is that o
> is null at that point.

It actually says that 'nodeType' (not 'o'!) is Null or is not an

The thing is: I cannot understand why IE (this looks like an IE
exception message, don't you think?) would throw such an exception
while evaluating "!!" on such a null/undefined (it would effectively
throw if 'o' were null, but it would say that "'o' is null or is not
an object", or if we were trying to get or set a property or call a
method on o.nodeType).

Am I wrong?

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