File user/src/com/google/gwt/dom/client/ (right):
Line 42: return injectStyleSheet(contents);
On 2009/04/01 20:05:03, rjrjr wrote:
> Your public api implies promises that aren't being kept here--I'd
assume that if
> I had <style> /* a */</style><style> /* b */</style><style> /* c
*/</style> and
> I called this with the b block as an argument, that the rules would be
> before those in c block. This would be inserting it after c, right?

No strict ordering is actually guaranteed by the javadoc.  It can't be,
due to the limitations in the IE version.  I'd have to know where in the
middle of a block to insert the new text if b and c were both in the
maximum-numbered stylesheet.

The only thing guaranteed by the javadoc is the relative ordering of the
to-be-injected CSS relative to the old CSS.


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