It seems to me that calling addRule/insertRule a hundred times would be
pretty slow (just look how many rules are in the GWT Theme CSS), not to
mention there are cross-browser issues to deal with, when a simple,
well-tested, mechanism exists already. Sometimes doing the 'proper' thing is
not an improvement (e.g. not using tables for layout because it's "wrong")


On Fri, Apr 3, 2009 at 4:47 PM, Miroslav Pokorny <
> wrote:

> This is probably the wrong time to ask -but updating styles via the
> addition of style tags seems very limiting.
> If I recall IE (cant recall which vetsion was probably 7) chokes when a
> page has more than thirty odd style elements.
> Why not add new rules using StyleSheet.addRule/insertRule or appending the
> new CSS to a particular stylesheet's CSS ? Using style elements to "append"
> to a stylesheet seems a hack when proper mechanisms exist.
> If the StyleInjector bundle included a mechanism to say which stylesheet to
> modify.
> On 04/04/2009, at 8:49 AM, Ray Cromwell <> wrote:
> I believe so. I don't see any harm. Personally, I think if you don't have a
> <head>, your page is broken, since you don't even get a <title>, but it
> would be nice to either throw an informative exception, or inject a head in
> this circumstance.
> -Ray
> On Fri, Apr 3, 2009 at 2:46 PM, Ray Ryan < <>
>> wrote:
>> Can we add safely add head if we don't find it?
>> On Fri, Apr 3, 2009 at 2:43 PM, < <>
>>> wrote:
>>>  <>
>>> File user/src/com/google/gwt/dom/client/ (right):
>>>  <>
>>> Line 35: "head").getItem(0));
>>> I mentioned this in another review, but this common idiom can fail if
>>> the user doesn't have a <head> element, which is certainly legal. Some
>>> browsers automatically insert a <head> if it's missing, but some don't.
>>> I guess we could simply declare we don't support leaving out head.
>>> Might be good to assert head != null
>>>  <>
> >


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