Can someone show me the benefits of implementing detached instances
for GWT? AFAIK, the advantage is detecting that an entity bean is
dirty/not dirty, thus preventing some unecessary db queries. If
someone could post some code showing some scenarios, that would be
great. Like Rob, I can handle inserts vs. updates fairly easy (my
persistence manager can tell based on the @Id property if its an
insert or update), and with a little bit of conscious effort I can
avoid unecessary db calls.

Besides, adding extra fields to entities in order to provide for
client-side detached bookeeping would increase the size of my payload
in a non-transparent way (it would depend heavily on the underlying
persistence impl). Maybe I'm missing something here, so please
enlighten me :)

Best Regards,

On Apr 16, 4:45 am, Robert Hanson <> wrote:
> RAY> @PersistenceCapable(identityType = IdentityType.APPLICATION,
> RAY> detachable = "false")
> Ray, I reread your post, and I think that perhaps I had thought that
> this only applied to JDO, but seems to also apply to JPA as well,
> correct?
> I guess this works, but that leaves one outstanding issue for me.  I
> want to use detachable instances on the server-side, yet still have
> unenhanced objects to send to the GWT client.
> BRUNO> For information, Gilead provides the @ServerOnly annotation to prevent
> BRUNO> sending sensible fields over the wire.
> Thanks Bruno, I will need to check that out.
> RAY> The RPC generator could implement this in a way, such that the
> RAY> received object from the RPC call is not a Customer, but a
> RAY> DetachableCustomerImpl (which extends Customer). This would be a
> RAY> client side 'enhanced' version which does dirty bit tracking
> I like this idea.  It seems to solve a most(?) of the issues.
> Rob

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