I am having the same problem as brendan. I thing that everyone trying
to get beyond hello-world gwt + gae/j also hit this wall.
Is there a "best workaround" for this? must i use gilead?
I really would like to see this on google tutorials, like the other
frameworks mentioned by Philip, so that learning gwt+gae/j gets less

On Apr 27, 9:09 pm, brendan <brendanpdohe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> It's sounds like Philip is describing me.  I've said "GWT and GAE/J
> looks impressive, I want to put them together and make an nice app".
> In my test application i'm creating, I want to have a grid of
> customers that has new, edit and delete buttons.
> A customer has a name and an email.
> I've created a customer class on the server that has name and email as
> strings, with getters/setters.
> I've created an RPC service that has the following methods:
>    List<Customer> list()
>    Customer create(Customer customer)
>    void update(Customer customer)
>    void delete(Customer customer)
> Initially list was returning a hard coded list, and I put some
> breakpoints in the other methods to see that objects were successfully
> being passed over RPC.
> Everything seemed to work and I was thinking this GWT+GAE/J stuff is
> pretty awesome.
> Then I tried to add persistence, and things stopped working.
> I added the @PersistenceCapable annotation to my customer class, along
> with an extra id attribute that had an @PrimaryKey annotation.
> When I try to return the results of a query.execute() (casted to
> List<Customer>) I got the following error.
> SEVERE: [1240842247754000] javax.servlet.ServletContext log: Exception
> while dispatching incoming RPC call
> com.google.gwt.user.client.rpc.SerializationException: Type
> 'org.datanucleus.store.appengine.query.StreamingQueryResult' was not
> included in the set of types which can be serialized by this
> SerializationPolicy or its Class object could not be loaded. For
> security purposes, this type will not be serialized.
> I fiddled around a bit more and found that if I copied Customers out
> of the list returned by query.execute to a new list (using the
> detachCopy method) and returned that, I could populate my grid.
> However when it comes time to saving/deleting Customers, I tried
> "reattaching" by calling makePersistant, it wouldn't work I got more
> errors.
> Pretty much, I'm a javascript/c++/c#.net programmer coming to GWT and
> GAE/J, I want to put them together and make an nice app.
> If I want things to work right now, what is best practice for having
> persistent objects on the server, and sending the data back and forth
> from the server to the client.
> Brendan
> On Apr 15, 6:40 pm, philip <philip14...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Thats fine your debating how best to do it for the longer term, and
> > thats great for the longer term. How about now today? how best can I
> > do it now?
> > For the shorter term I am sure there is a bunch of people who look at
> > this and think, I've got GWT and Google App Engine, I want to put them
> > together and make an nice app, then they come across these
> > discussions. Alternatively, they try to serialize the JDO classes and
> > find they have problems. Either way, they hit the ugly wall.
> > They probably wonder why GWT and App Engine are not such good friends
> > such it would make a great programming platform and boost GWT.
> > ...
> > Thanks, Philip


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