I really think Guice-style dependency injection is the way to go to
solve this problem, rather than trying to emulate Java
Proxies/Classloader in the compiler. If you use Guice/Gin, then in Gin
you can inject GWT.create-d versions, and in JUnit-mode, you can use
regular Guice injection. The code use is 99% between GWT and non-GWT
versions test versions, with the exception of the
Guice-config/Injector creation.

Because of the way Gin works transitively, you only need a single
GWT.create() and this is isolated to your startup code while in your
JUnit version, you kick off a Guice-injected class instead.


On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 11:28 AM, nicolas de loof
<nicolas.del...@gmail.com> wrote:
> A simple example : databinding
> Lets consider I want to bind some Label text to some model Bean value. Gwt
> Label widget "text" can be accessed as a javaBean property, so this sound a
> typical java.beans.binding use-case
> This requires my model bean to support PropertyChangeListeners. As I'm lazy
> I'd like a generator to create an "enhanced" model class with such support
> for the "value" property.
> I can get this to work today if my model Bean is created using GWT.create(),
> but this makes my code GWT-dependant and not testable in "standalone" junit.
> If the generator "enhanced" class is used even when I use " new Model() " or
> get a Model bean from RPC, my code can be easily unit tested.
> Cheers,
> Nicolas
> 2009/4/21 Bruce Johnson <br...@google.com>
>> On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 12:38 PM, nicolas de loof
>> <nicolas.del...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> The only critism I'd have is the requirement to use GWT.create() to get
>>> code from a generator. This is a requirement when the generated code doesn't
>>> extend the source type (for example for Async interfaces) but not when the
>>> genrator is used to add some capabilities (ie acts as a decorator), for
>>> example to add PropertyChangeListener to a model bean.
>> Perhaps if you could distill down a more concrete example, it could get
>> the wheels turning. Enhancements to GWT.create() certainly aren't off the
>> table. Ray Cromwell has made some pretty useful-sounding suggestions in the
>> past. We just have to find large-group consensus on what makes the most
>> sense, striking a balance between power, clarity, and of course,
>> optimizability.
>> Here's a quick back-of-envelope pattern that could possibly work:
>> class PersonBean {
>>   void setName(String name):
>>   String getName();
>> }
>> interface MethodCallLogger {
>> }
>> class MyEntryPoint {
>>   class PersonBeanWithMethodCallLogger extends PersonBean implements
>> MethodCallLogger {
>>     // empty, but a subclass gets generated
>>   }
>>   public void onModuleLoad() {
>>     // Have a generate-with rule for MethodCallLoggerGenerator, triggered
>> by assignability to "MethodCallLogger"
>>     PersonBean pb = GWT.create(PersonBeanWithMethodCallLogger.class);
>>     pb.setName("Nicolas");
>>   }
>> }
>> // Generated...
>> class PersonBeanWithMethodCallLoggerImpl extends
>> PersonBeanWithMethodCallLogger {
>>   void setName(String name) {
>>     someLogger.log("setName('" + name + "') called");
>>     super.setName(name);
>>   }
>>   ...
>> }
>> As formulated above, this pattern doesn't compose well. But it might be
>> that we can forge a pattern like this into something everyone likes
>> eventually.
>> -- Bruce
>>> This makes unit testing more difficult as code that uses GWT.create
>>> cannot run in "classic" jUnit. It would be great to have the compiler use
>>> generator-extended classes even when created using the standard "new"
>>> keyword.
>>> Thanks a lot for the explanation.
>>> Nicolas
>>> 2009/4/21 Bruce Johnson <br...@google.com>
>>>> A sort of philosophical meta-point that may or may not be of interest...
>>>> When we started GWT, we were worried about managing the complexity of
>>>> compile-time code generation, so we tried to find the simplest, most
>>>> easy-to-debug approach we could think of. GWT's model of never changing
>>>> existing code[1], but only adding new Java source during the compile, is
>>>> really a design choice, not a technical limitation. The benefit of the
>>>> current design is that you can add -gen to hosted mode and map the
>>>> corresponding folder into your source path, and then easily step through 
>>>> all
>>>> your code, both handwritten and generated, in the debugger. This avoids
>>>> tricky or confusing situations wherein the source code you see appears to 
>>>> be
>>>> doing something different than the bytecode that's running. It seems good 
>>>> to
>>>> avoid that kind of dichotomy, on the principle that
>>>> straightforward-though-verbose is generally better than 
>>>> fancy-but-confusing.
>>>> [1] Overlay types were the first time we ever even did bytecode
>>>> rewriting, and that support is implemented at a very deep level. Also, JSOs
>>>> are intended to be among only a very few "magic" things in GWT (basically,
>>>> JSNI, GWT.create(), GWT.runAsync(), and JSOs). We went to a lot of effort 
>>>> to
>>>> ensure that JSOs worked according to a fixed set of rules that are not hard
>>>> to comply with, even if people don't fully understand why the 
>>>> implementation
>>>> requires it.
>>>> On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 11:11 AM, Thomas Broyer <t.bro...@gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> On 20 avr, 08:43, nicolas de loof <nicolas.del...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> > > > I wonder if there is any way to also "pre-process" Java sources,
>>>>> > > > for
>>>>> > > example
>>>>> > > > this would enable support for Aspect Oriented Programming or
>>>>> > > > maybe some
>>>>> > > > DataBinding framework.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > > Depends what you mean by "pre-process"... Generally, generators
>>>>> > > analyze the class they're called for (for example, looking for
>>>>> > > specific annotations on methods or on the class itself) and
>>>>> > > according
>>>>> > > to this generate a Java class extending the one they've been called
>>>>> > > for.
>>>>> > > (is this understandable? is this at least no-so-bad english?)
>>>>> >
>>>>> > In many case the generator will create from MyClassX some
>>>>> > MyClassXImpl or
>>>>> > equivalent that extends the original one, bu not REPLACE it as Java
>>>>> > source.
>>>>> > This is what I mean by "pre-process".
>>>>> >
>>>>> > For example, to implement a AOP framework I'd like to instrument all
>>>>> > calls
>>>>> > to some method. For this reason I'd like a generator / pre-processor
>>>>> > to
>>>>> > check the source files and detect the matching pointcuts to add some
>>>>> > adived
>>>>> > code. Many other example can apply, including annotation processing
>>>>> > for
>>>>> > declarative coding (ex : @Property annotation to automagically
>>>>> > introduce the
>>>>> > required PropertyChangeListeners)
>>>>> You would generate a subclass that delegates to super.method() after/
>>>>> before the aspect(s) code.
>>>>> > I never tried it myself, but I'n not sure a generator can REPLACE the
>>>>> > original Java Source.
>>>>> AFAICT, it can't, but there's probably no need for this.
>>>>> > I may be wrong but I also thing the generated code is
>>>>> > only available when using   GWT.create(),
>>>>> The generator is only called at the point where GWT.create() is called
>>>>> (I may be wrong but you could generate a different output for each
>>>>> GWT.create() call-point for the same class literal), so yes, you're
>>>>> right.
> >


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