With regards to AOP, as Ray mentioned, you might want to check out
Google GIN. They haven't yet implemented Interceptors (AFAIK), so you
might want to combine efforts with them to get this to work.

With regards to data binding, bobv is, AFAIK, working on that feature.
If you hold off until it's dropped in the incubator, you could avoid
duplicate work.

Best regards,
Arthur Kalmenson

On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 3:03 AM, nicolas de loof
<nicolas.del...@gmail.com> wrote:
> What I'm looking for is both some AOP capability and a way to port javaFx
> "bind" keyword to Java / GWT.
> gwt-beans-binding is doing databinding using marker interface in model and
> "wrappers" for widgets. This makes impossible to use advanced widgets from
> 3rd tier librairy without some more code to write.
> Anyway, thanks a lot for this interesting link.
> Nicolas
> 2009/4/20 Ray Cromwell <cromwell...@gmail.com>
>> GWT generators cannot access the source AST of the original class,
>> only the class metadata (fields/method names, parameters, signatures),
>> no method body stuff. If you're looking to do AOP/Method Interception,
>> I suggest you take a look at Google Gin which is a Guice
>> implementation for Git. It's a dependency injection framework, and
>> you'll only need a single GWT.create() call in the beginning to start
>> the process.
>> You can't 'intercept' classes with regular GWT generators like you can
>> with a classloader if that's what you're trying to do. But with Gin,
>> the dependency injection is transitive, so in effect, you can
>> intercept other classes that appear as injected parameters or fields.
>> -Ray
>> On Sun, Apr 19, 2009 at 11:43 PM, nicolas de loof
>> <nicolas.del...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> >>
>> >> > I wonder if there is any way to also "pre-process" Java sources, for
>> >> > example
>> >> > this would enable support for Aspect Oriented Programming or maybe
>> >> > some
>> >> > DataBinding framework.
>> >>
>> >> Depends what you mean by "pre-process"... Generally, generators
>> >> analyze the class they're called for (for example, looking for
>> >> specific annotations on methods or on the class itself) and according
>> >> to this generate a Java class extending the one they've been called
>> >> for.
>> >> (is this understandable? is this at least no-so-bad english?)
>> >
>> > In many case the generator will create from MyClassX some MyClassXImpl
>> > or
>> > equivalent that extends the original one, bu not REPLACE it as Java
>> > source.
>> > This is what I mean by "pre-process".
>> > For example, to implement a AOP framework I'd like to instrument all
>> > calls
>> > to some method. For this reason I'd like a generator / pre-processor to
>> > check the source files and detect the matching pointcuts to add some
>> > adived
>> > code. Many other example can apply, including annotation processing for
>> > declarative coding (ex : @Property annotation to automagically introduce
>> > the
>> > required PropertyChangeListeners)
>> > I never tried it myself, but I'n not sure a generator can REPLACE the
>> > original Java Source. I may be wrong but I also thing the generated code
>> > is
>> > only available when using   GWT.create(), making the code less testable
>> > (with standard junit, not GWTTestCase) and fully GWT-dependenant.
>> > Cheers,
>> > Nicolas
>> >
>> >
>> >>
>> >
>> >
>> > >
>> >
> >


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