Well, that will run emma tests for everyone everywhere who does "ant
Does it require anything in particular to work, which people might not have
installed?  And is the time significant?

We can easily enough tweak the continuous builder configuration to
explicitly run the emma tests, if either of those questions gets a bad
answer.  If they're both good, then maybe it's reasonable for all users to
run all tests (with the caveat that non-local web tests also need properties
set, or they become no-ops...)

On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 1:10 PM, Amit Manjhi <amitman...@google.com> wrote:

> Hi Freeland,
> The patch makes the emma tests run as part of our continuous build. The
> tests basically run all tests in user, except where sun's and openjdk's
> javac are broken, with emma.jar on the classpath.
> Regards,
> Amit


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