
Just jumping into an old thread to see if there is any news on this
problem.  I'm just getting started with App Engie and immediately ran
into the same issue.  For now, I'm planning to duplicate my model
objects, which, as others have mentioned, is a serious violation of
DRY.  But for now it seems the simplest solution.  What is everyone
else doing?


On Apr 14, 11:42 pm, Robert Hanson <iamroberthan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> [Continued - Mail got away from me]
> ...Besides fixing GWT-RPC with GAE, it also allows me to trim data
> that I don't really need on the client side.
> The rest, like knowing when to persist vs merge an incoming object
> from the client, is my problem to figure out.
> Rob
> On Tue, Apr 14, 2009 at 11:39 PM, Robert Hanson
> <iamroberthan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I hope I am not being naive (or reiterating an existing post), but I
> > am not concerned with identity, nor concerned with expecting my ORM
> > solution to deal with entities created on the client.
> > I think all I need is a way to use an entity as a DTO without needing
> > a second set of model objects.
> > What about something as simple as keeping the existing semantics in
> > tact, with the ability to flag properties that are send-able to the
> > client (as opposed to using transient to flag the reverse behavior).
> > public class Data implements Serializable {
> > �...@gwtdto
> >  private Long id;
> > �...@gwtdto
> >  private String partA;
> >  private String partB;
> > }
> > In this case the GWT compiler would create a serializer for the client
> > that only handled the id and partA properties, and ignore partB.  The
> > partB property would simply be null on the client side.
> > On the server reflection would be used to only serialize the marked
> > properties, ignoring the rest.  Besides ignoring partB it would also
> > ignore any fields added by enhancers.
> > Besides fixing GWT-RPC with GAE, it also allows me to trim data that I
> > don't really need o


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