That's... strange but cool!

On Fri, Jun 5, 2009 at 8:43 PM, Ray Cromwell <> wrote:

> It could do it using a technique called 'semantic inlining' where the
> compiler has builtin knowledge of the Map interface and treats it in a
> magic fashion. To do it in a more general purpose fashion would be
> very tricky. If put() or remove() could be inlined by the compiler
> normally, then standard techniques like liveness analysis/dead code
> elimination could remove the fetch since after inlining, the compiler
> could see that the calling block never uses the value.
> I hesitate to suggest the following, but here goes. Perl is not a
> context-free language, methods can be evaluated in differing contexts
> and functions can detect this and choose to act differently based on
> what they are being assigned to, see:
> Quote:
> if (wantarray()) {
>    # list context
> }
> elsif (defined wantarray()) {
>    # scalar context
> }
> else {
>    # void context
> }
> Note that last one, now imagine a magic GWT function, GWT.wantsValue()
> that returns true if the current JMethod is being executed as part of
> an expression that is assigned or passed as a parameter to something,
> false otherwise.
> You could then rewrite HashMap.put() as
> public <T> put(S key, T val) {
>  if(GWT.wantsValue()) {
>     // call putSlow() which returns a value
>  }
>  else {
>    // call putFast(), return null
>  }
> }
> -Ray
> On Fri, Jun 5, 2009 at 11:52 PM, Damon Lundin<>
> wrote:
> >
> > I have an idea of an optimization of usages of HashMap.  I have
> > recently switched from using the FastStringMap to using a normal
> > HashMap since the performance difference isn't as significant as it
> > once was.  However, there is one point where I was able to still make
> > the FastStringMap faster.  I overrode the put and remove methods and
> > had them return null instead of performing a get to fetch the current
> > value for the keys.  In the vast majority of cases, the client never
> > uses the values returned from put or remove which just wastes the gets
> > to look them up.  I tried a test that does 100,000 puts and gets and I
> > have found that my version which returns null in the put is almost
> > twice as fast as the version which does not.
> >
> > If the compiler can devirtualize a variable to a java.util.HashMap and
> > it sees that the return value is not used, could the compilter
> > substitute a different method call to a different version of put and
> > remove that just return null (or perhaps nothing)?
> >
> > If you want to see the details of my tests, you can read the blog post
> > I recently put up regarding our usage of FastStringMap:
> >
> > >
> >
> >


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