Comment by rjand541:

OKAY!! For the extreme newbie out there like myself. I may have an answer  
for you.

First: My setup is Ubuntu 9.04 in 64 bit mode, with Eclipse 3.4, GWT 1.6,  
GAE 1.2, Java 1.6 with the OOPHM plug in for firefox 3.0.11

I went through everything on these boards and bits and pieces were hidden  
here and there. My first real issue was this error...

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError?:  
wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32 (Possible cause: architecture word width  

taha had a similar problem on this page:

The solution to which was to simply install a 32 bit version of Java, (Java  
1.50) and have eclipse point to it under Properties -> Run/Debug Settings  
-> (select your project) -> edit -> JRE tab.

The next error wasn't mission critical, but nonetheless, it annoyed the  
heck out of me...

Gtk-Message: Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module":  
/usr/lib/gtk-2.0/modules/ wrong ELF class:  

This was solved by following the same steps above but instead of the  
properties tab hitting the environment tab. Then entering a variable called  
GTK_PATH and setting the value to /usr/lib32/gtk-2.0

That took care of that. Next up was this error... warn WARNING: failed  
greetServlet java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError?: Bad version number  
in .class file

This was solved by our 64 bit cousins on the Mac under this thread

Go to properties again, but this time select Java Compiler. Set the  
compiler compliance level to 1.5.

That is it. It should fix your issues if you are in a similar boat as me.  
Try it out and everything should pop up fine and appear to be working.

Or is it...

I guess only time will tell.  Thanks to the many that contribute to these  

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