On Thu, Oct 1, 2009 at 10:39 AM, Sami Jaber <sami.ja...@gmail.com> wrote:

> In fact, I meant keeping the actual code as a normal developer would have
> to write manually.
> Most of them will likely provide a kind of generic Async implementation. If
> one is able to find the right split point, all the call sites would be
> rewritten with a :
> GWT.runAsync() {success();failure();}. The error handling would be defined
> with a custom method or impl provided by the developer..
> The idea is to get rid of all the boiler plate code required by
> codesplitting, specially all the soyc report analysis steps that many dev
> will (unfortunately) give up...
> I'm sure that I miss something, but this is the "something" that I would
> want to know :-)

How can the developer provide the failure handling code if that point can be
made anywhere at the compiler's discretion?  How can the compiler know where
is a good point to split the program from a user's perspective?

John A. Tamplin
Software Engineer (GWT), Google


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