Yes you are right, but do you really think that in the case of a failure,
you would try to change your code flow differently depending on where you
are ? Except displaying a generic message, you won't be able to go further
as I understand the mechanism.
Concerning the second point, this is the crucial question. There are a few
scenarios that could be conceivable.
We can imagine that a permuation of 1 Mo could be splitted into 2 chunks of
500 Ko or 4 chunks of 250 Ko of 10 chunks of 5 Ko, that is what I call a
"balanced tree" or "balanced split points". Most people would probably want
to split their permutations only to get responsiveness and decrease startup
time without digging more in the code flow...
But if you say that it is not possible at all, I believe you ...


On Thu, Oct 1, 2009 at 4:56 PM, John Tamplin <> wrote:

> On Thu, Oct 1, 2009 at 10:39 AM, Sami Jaber <> wrote:
>> In fact, I meant keeping the actual code as a normal developer would have
>> to write manually.
>> Most of them will likely provide a kind of generic Async implementation.
>> If one is able to find the right split point, all the call sites would be
>> rewritten with a :
>> GWT.runAsync() {success();failure();}. The error handling would be defined
>> with a custom method or impl provided by the developer..
>> The idea is to get rid of all the boiler plate code required by
>> codesplitting, specially all the soyc report analysis steps that many dev
>> will (unfortunately) give up...
>> I'm sure that I miss something, but this is the "something" that I would
>> want to know :-)
> How can the developer provide the failure handling code if that point can
> be made anywhere at the compiler's discretion?  How can the compiler know
> where is a good point to split the program from a user's perspective?
> --
> John A. Tamplin
> Software Engineer (GWT), Google
> >


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