Overall, very nice. The key, though ultimately superficial, design
question is whether to make the main methods non-static. See the comment
in Scheduler.java for details.

There are a couple of other minor points.

N.B. I didn't really scrutinize it for logical correctness, although the
basic implementation approach makes sense. Nice use of overlays.

Needs some tests soon after commit if not before.

File user/src/com/google/gwt/core/client/Scheduler.java (right):

Line 23: public class Scheduler {
Let's get Ray Ryan's opinion on this, but isn't The Right Thing To Do
here to make the methods non-static and instead provide Scheduler.get().
That would leave the option open to make it injectible and mockable,
which I could imagine being potentially useful in some testing

Line 123: public static void schedulePause() {
I'm inclined to leave this out. It's such a nice, clean API right now,
and the value of this isn't proven. I know I argued that it had a reason
to exist -- and it doesn in principle -- but why not let's rip it out
for v1 and add it in the future if there is ever demand. The main reason
I feel squirely about it is that it isn't clear which queue is getting
the "pause". Sure, it's clear if you already grok the system, but it's a
little hard to reason about otherwise.

File user/src/com/google/gwt/core/client/impl/SchedulerImpl.java

Line 110: * This is a sentinel object used to reschedule any following
DeferredCommands => deferred commands



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