Comment by

After suffering a little to get an OOPHM plugin working on debian  
Iceweasel, I've got success and are making my notes here... hope to help  
somebody on getting it work too:

On Debian Lenny, with iceweasel (Firefox re-branded) 3.0.6 the .xpi file  
from this page doesn't works (even the alternate libraries version). To  
make it work I had to rebuild the plugin linking it against the libraries  
of the xulrunner-dev package:

~ # apt-get install xulrunner-dev

to make it work, after building the gwt from trunk as said in  
Working on Code] need to checkout also the plugin-sdks from svn on the same  
directory level you checked-out tools and trunk:

~/gwt$ svn checkout plugin-sdks

after this, go to /trunk/plugins/xpcom directory, set some variables and  
build the thing:

~/gwt/trunk/plugins/xpcom$ export BROWSER=ff3
~/gwt/trunk/plugins/xpcom$ export  
~/gwt/trunk/plugins/xpcom$ make clean
~/gwt/trunk/plugins/xpcom$ make

after this, you should have a new gwt-dmp-ff3.xpi file inside the prebuild  
directory, this file should work with the iceweasel package from lenny.

I think that similar approach need to be taken for packages from squeeze or  
sid (iceweasel 3.5 already)

For more information:


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