Sorry that it took me a little while to review this code.  I had to
refresh my memory on some of the JRE's built-in concurrency features.
That said, I think that I have two overall comments:

1) We should be able to simplify MessageProcessor if we reused some of
the JRE concurrency support.
2) Shouldn't there be a result (if not a Response) for every Request?
Otherwise, couldn't a client hang if a single request on the server

If you agree then, I'd propose the following API for MessageTransport:

class MessageTransport {
     * Returns the next available request, blocks the caller if one is
not available.available
   public Request nextRequest() ...

     * Initiates a request send.  Notes that this returns a Future which
a caller can use to poll for the response, or block until the response
arrives.  Also provides a mechanism for reporting back
     * exceptions.
   public Future<Response> sendRequest(Request request) ...

That API could be implemented using an ExecutorService for sending
(gives you Futures for "free") and a thread for reading
requests/response from the input stream.  The Callable passed to the
ExecutorService should be able to use a Condition JRE object to wait for
the input thread to signal it when it sees its associated response.  If
the input thread sees a request it could simply queue it into a
LinkedBlockingQueue and leave it there.

MessageProcessor could then become more of a MessageDispatcher or
RequestDispatcher. It could pull the next request and dispatch it to the
correct service.
Line 52: public static interface RequestHandler {
FWIW, you might be able to get rid of this interface if you simply leave
requests in a queue that a called could pull from.
Line 71: private static class ResponseWaiter {
I think that this class could be replaced with the JRE's Future<T>
Line 143: public void sendMessage(Message.Request requestMessage) throws
IOException {
As I've been looking at the code, its occurred to me that we must always
have a response.  Otherwise a request could hang forever if the request
handler on the other side of the protocol crashes.
Line 167: public Message.Response sendMessageAndWaitForReturn(
I think that you really want to use an ExecutorService here.  It will
give you a Future<Response> that a caller can choose to block on or poll
for a result.   Also, a Future<Response> gives you a way to pass
exceptions back to the original caller without having to write so much
Line 200: private int allocateNextMessageId() {
I think that you should use AtomicInteger here.  That JRE class will
allow to you get rid of this method and the associated locks.
Line 221: private void startMessageReceiverThread() {
It might be cleaner to simply queue requests and let the called pull
them from a LinkedBlockingQueue.
Line 46: private final BufferedOutputStream out;
I don't think that you need to buffer the socket streams since the
Message.parseXXX and Message.writeXXX buffer internally.
Line 63: out = new BufferedOutputStream(socket.getOutputStream());
I don't believe that the buffering is necessary here.
Line 91: private byte[] receive() throws IOException {
I just noticed that, for java, protoc will generate utility methods on
the message classes for reading and writing length delimited messages
into/out of the streams.  What's even better is that the length is
written using the streams int32 encoding.  You should use those methods
and delete the receive and send methods.


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