Thanks. Will give @external a try.


On Wed, Dec 2, 2009 at 8:59 AM, BobV <> wrote:
>> [...@rjrjr, bobv: Is there some easy way to put plain, unobfuscated CSS rules
>> in a .ui.xml file?]
> Yes.  Declare those class selectors to be @external in the CSS block.
> @external gwt-TabLayoutPanelTabs gwt-TabLayoutPanelTabInner;
> Now that ui:style allows users to specify a src attribute as well as
> inline styles, we should provide a CSS file that has @external
> declarations for all of the gwt- styles.  Alternatively, the @external
> syntax could be extended with something like "@external gwt-*;"
> --
> Bob Vawter
> Google Web Toolkit Team


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