Hi Joe,

Your proxycreator sounds like a very useful addition to GWT's RPC! I
did a few projects last year needing exactly this, but we created
other (less ideal) workarounds to counter connection limits.

If anything, put it on google code or something!

Bart Guijt

On Thu, Feb 25, 2010 at 9:36 AM, Joe Cole <profilercorporat...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Background: We have a quite a few customers who use really unreliable
> internet connections [e.g. 3g connections in bangladesh]. Often times
> these requests can take a long time to complete if they are in a
> country with really poor internet, but the users keep on doing things
> and then requests pile up. Obviously browsers only let two go at a
> time, and then we start to run into timeout issues.
> Recently I implemented a system that patched proxycreator to allow me
> to control request error handling, optionally resending the serialized
> request when requests fail, trapping exceptions, logging, performance
> etc. This is needed in production because of weird issues with IE &
> firefox that happen on some customers setups, and works flawlessly.
> I was thinking that there would be an opportunity for a global request
> queue, which would queue requests (have only two in transit at any one
> time), but would allow us to pool requests (e.g. send multiple
> payloads at once to the server if there are a lot of requests in the
> queue). A simple servlet filter would be able to process the combined
> request and return the results to a special pooled callback, which
> then calls the relevant client callbacks.
> Given that on really bad internet connections latency is much worse
> than throughput I think this would cause a huge performance
> improvement to our users. I have lots's of data from request logs from
> the client side showing that this is a problem, and doubt I am alone
> in this.
> My question is:
> 1) Would people be interested in my proxycreator patch, for potential
> inclusion into gwt core?
> 2) Does request pooling sound like it's something that would be of use
> in general? Is this something the gwt team would be interested in
> working with?
> --
> http://groups.google.com/group/Google-Web-Toolkit-Contributors

Bart Guijt
GSM: 06-30408987

Check out my blog: http://bart.guijt.me/blog/

"ceterum censeo Apple regulam faciendam"


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